If you are looking for Ann Arbor accommodations, we suggest that you consider the time of year you want to travel - you might need to book several weeks in advance. Lodging in Ann Arbor is split into two areas -- generally, east and west, with the huge university in the middle. Hotels in Ann Arbor can fill up quickly during major sporting events such as football and basketball games, and during big festivals as well as events like university graduation and the first week or so of school. If hotels are at capacity, consider staying in nearby Ypsilanti.
Places to stay in Ann Arbor include business class hotels, tourist class hotels, basic highway motels, bed and breakfasts, hostels, and private rooms and homes for rent. Ann Arbor lodging in general is not cheap, but Ann Arbor hotel deals can be found. Look for special rates during the off-season, free parking, included breakfast, free wi-fi, and discounts on area attractions.
If you are still wondering where to stay in Ann Arbor, visit minube. Here, you can learn more about Ann Arbor accommodations by reading traveler reviews and booking hotels by date, price, and amenity. Making reservations for Ann Arbor hotels on minube is simple.