The range of lodging in Selçuk is extensive and we can find hotels, hostels, and guesthouses for all tastes and budgets. For those who want to sleep in one of the Selçuk hotels, you will find deals on hotels in Selcuk from two to five stars. There are some truly wonderful hotels that offer breakfast, and many can arrange visits to Ephesus and other nearby sites. Look for Selçuk hotel deals which include these kinds of trips and other amenities.
For those who want to find cheap Selçuk accommodations, you can find budget-friendly inns for 10 euros a night. That price usually includes breakfast, and the rooms are secure and well-maintained. In general, finding cheap places to stay in Selçuk is easy, and by looking well in advance you could even make a booking for just 8 euros a night!
Whatever type of Selçuk lodging you choose, keep in mind the fact that many hotels offer trips to traditional carpet shops or Turkish delight merchants. These merchants are paid by commission, and you can often find better deals elsewhere by haggling. Use minube to find the best prices available for the dates of your stay, and you won't be wondering where to stay in Selçuk for long!