Are you looking for where to stay in Ferrara? On minube you can find a wide variety of lodging in Ferrara for all tastes and budgets. Most Ferrara accommodations are concentrated in the city center, with some more spread across the countryside outside of town and which may only be accessible by taxi or by foot (though it's a long walk). One option for Ferrara lodging are the hotels, which are generally found in the city center. Their prices are quite affordable and you'll find four-star hotels for 80€ a night and other cheaper ones for 45-50€. There are no hotels in Ferrara that are five stars.
Search through booking for Ferrara hotels to compare prices and user reviews. There are some cheap places to stay in Ferrara offering great prices, but always keep in mind the distance to the main attractions in the city. If you want to stay overnight on a budget, you have at your disposal different B & Bs that include breakfast, as well as inns which feature great service. There are also apartments for rent.
In minube you can compare the prices of other cheap accommodation in Ferrara using your travel dates. Search for Ferrara hotel deals and book a room for the best price possible.