Most of the offers for lodging in Medulin consists of villas and apartments. The apartments are a form of economic Medulin accommodations because they can be rented for days or weeks at a time, and if you share expenses, the final price can be pretty good. Whenever you're looking for where to stay in Medulin, you'll find these apartments and villas in any part of the city. In terms of supply and demand, there are many hotels in Medulin capital. These Medulin hotels are well equipped, most have pools, and some are located on the seashore. You can also include food in your accommodation and enjoy the local cuisine. Make sure when you search for Medulin hotel deals, you know what kind of services they offer and which are included in the price. For those who want cheap places to stay in Medulin, there are several campsites available nestled in exceptional natural surroundings that are very well maintained. These are the most typical, and most in demand, cheap Medulin lodging, especially in warm weather. But one of the most impressive places to sleep in Medulin is certainly the Porer Lighthouse. Built in 1833 on the island of the same name on the southwestern tip of Istria, this lighthouse's ground floor offers apartments with four beds. Of course, you have to remember transportation because it's not exactly close to the town.