For those looking for cheap place to stay in Santarem you can choose between hostels, guesthouses, and simple family-run hotels. Hostels are one of the most sought out cheap places to stay in Santarem. However, there are also small rental houses available for tourists. These houses are second homes which inhabitants rent out to make a little extra cash during the holidays; some of them are quite nice and they all typically come fully equipped and with kitchens, which can be useful if you want to keep your food costs down.
Santarem is rather small and isolated, however there is a surprising variety of Santarem accommodations in town. Most hotels in Santarem are within a few blocks of the waterfront, though more are scattered in the southern end of town and in the western edge of town. A second cluster of hotels is in an adjacent town to the west which is on the shores of the Tapajos River.
On Minube you can learn more about lodging in Santarem, especially Santarem hotels, and see what sort of Santarem hotel deals there are. If you are still wondering where to stay in Santarem you can read what other travelers who have already visited had to say and perhaps even see photos they have taken.