Are you looking for where to stay in Tournai? As you'll discover, the supply of accommodation in Tournai is perfectly suited to all tastes and budgets. This Belgian city is accustomed to receiving tourists throughout the year and therefore its infrastructure is very well prepared. Tournai hotels in the capital range from €50 for simpler places to more than €100 a night for majestic and stately hotels. The views are spectacular and, in some cases, it like you're in a large mansion. To find these hotels in Tournai, you can book through "Tournai hotels reservations" or "Tournai hotels booking" for the best prices. For those who want more affordable places to stay in Tournai, there are B&Bs for all styles. You'll always find this type of Tournai lodging cheaper considering the price includes breakfast, wi-fi and some services. Another form of affordable Tournai accommodations are apartments. You can rent by the room or the entire place, and if you share expenses with your fellow travelers, your stay will be much cheaper. On Minube you can find great Tournai hotel deals as well as see other cheap lodging in Tournai suggested by website users. Please, come back and share your experience with us about the main places you've visited.