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Things to do in Linares

77 contributors

The top 37 attractions in Linares

Museums in Linares
Bars in Linares
Bars in Linares
Nature Reserves in Linares
Villages in Linares
Hospitals in Linares
Ponds in Linares
Historical Monuments in Linares
Squares in Linares
Shops in Linares
Churches in Linares
Historical Monuments in Linares
Of Touristic Interest in Linares
Hospitals in Linares
Palaces in Linares
City Halls in Linares
Squares in Linares
Squares in Linares

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The best things to do in Linares

Have you decided to visit the attractions in Linares? Perfect! The city has much to offer travelers. You know that all the best things to see in Linares is its environment and the daily life of the city. Although it's not a city full of
monuments, it has a
rich set of buildings and other architectural
Linares attractions, like
churches, palaces, manor houses and public buildings of different styles and periods. These building range from the simplicity of Romanesque art to more modernist buildings of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, demonstrating the evolution that the city has undergone. One of the best places to visit in Linares is the Plaza del Ayuntamiento, the first stop on the tour of the old town. It contains the neoclassical city hall and the "Ammunition house," a factory which supplied the guerrillas with ammunition that was removed hidden in bales of firewood during the War of Independence. Visiting the Church of Santa Maria is another of the many things to do in Linares where you can learn more about the city's history and legacy. Among other
Linares activities, you can visit the
Tower of the old castle and the
Palace of the Zambrana. There's still more stuff to do in Linares, like visiting the Sanctuary of the Virgen de Linares, San Francisco Church, the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore and the Roman bridge Piélago. There are many galleries and places to see related to art. The city hosts the Andres Segovia House Museum, Museum of Mining Landscape Interpretation and the Granary Museum. And after a long day of sightseeing when you're wondering what to do in Linares, there's nothing better than checking out the many bars and restaurants, places to enjoy local Andalusian gastronomy in a lively atmosphere, to end a perfect day in Linares .
85.47 £
17.81 £
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