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Things to do in Calasetta

20 contributors

The top 8 attractions in Calasetta

Cemeteries in Calasetta
Sant Sant' Antioco Church Catacombs
The church basement has the crypt and the core of the catacombs. The summer visit is 9 to 12h and 15 to 20h, 18h in winter. The cr
Museums in Calasetta
Ethnographic Museum
The Ethnographic Museum is also called the sulcis Agropastorale museum. It's found situated in a store with a restored eighteenth
Archaeological Sites in Calasetta
Parklands Villa Sant Sant'antioco
The Hypogea town of Sant Antioco is located in the Punic necropolis. It's made up of many Hypogean tombs which were being reused u
Historical Monuments in Calasetta
Su Pisu Fort
The strength of His Pisu is that it is in the tallest part of the city of Sant Antioco. It was necessary in the year 1812 to prote
Of Touristic Interest in Calasetta
Artificial Isthmus of San Antioco
The island is connected to the in the south of Sardinia through an artificial isthmus, whose structure suggests a bridge of Roman
Churches in Calasetta
San Antioco Church
It is built on top of both a Christian cemetery and a church from the Byzantine period, and has undergone various transformations
Cities in Calasetta
Churches in Calasetta
48.21 £
62.91 £
71.96 £
61.17 £
71.96 £
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