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Things to do in Tibetan Autonomous Region

79 contributors
Temples in Lhasa
Temples in Lhasa
Temples in Gyantse
Temples in Lhasa
Temples in Gyantse
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The top 33 attractions in Lhasa

Palaces in Lhasa
Potala Palace
We had just landed in Lhasa, capital of Tibet, and we left our hotel room ready to contemplate one of the wonders of the world: Th
Temples in Lhasa
Jokhang Temple
The most famous Buddhist temples are, without a doubt, situated in Lhasa, Tibet. You can find them in Barkhor Square. Hundreds and
Of Cultural Interest in Lhasa
Lakes in Gyantse
Yamdrock Lake
This lake is a truly unique experience as it is a delicious mix of sensations caused by the breeze caressing your face. It is pure
Flea Markets in Lhasa
Barkhor Flea Market
After visiting Tibet, and with exhaustion from walking and altitude sickness (we were at 4000 m altitude) we needed to shop and ba
Temples in Lhasa
Historical Monuments in Lhasa
Tibet Peaceful Liberation Monument
The place is a tribute to freedom, joy, struggle, perseverance, rights and many other things that the Tibetan people claim is cost
Squares in Lhasa
Barhor Square
I think just the name Tibet says the truth. I was lucky to go there and seeing what I saw. Hundreds of people praying to Buddha,
Palaces in Lhasa
Unusual Places in Gyantse
Kharola Glacier
The landscape of Tibet did not stop amazing us over and over, after being absorbed in the contemplation of the beauty of Lake Yamz
Cities in Lhasa
Lasha is definitely a different city. Although very westernized and also the Tibetan minority is increasingly oppressed by the maj
Castles in Gyantse
Dzong Fortress (Gyantse Dzong)
Like the entire trip to Tibet, an unforgettable experience that I´ll remember for the rest of my life.
Train Stations in Lhasa
The Train from Lhasa to Xian
From Shanghai, it is a little more than 45 hours but over time the trip is enjoyable because of the beautiful scenery outside the
Palaces in Lhasa
Summer Palace of Dalai-Lama
The summer palace of the Dalai Lama is a small tourist attraction in the city (at least if you are staying there for two days). Th
Temples in Gyantse
Statues in Lhasa
Roads in Lhasa
Lakes in Lhasa
Namtso Lake
Lake Namtso ("Heavenly Lake" is a natural paradise in Tibet. There are other lakes that are higher in altitude but they are smalle
1,044.96 £
592.54 £
446.18 £
368.68 £
526.81 £
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