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Things to do in Central America

3.917 contributors

The top 1.567 attractions in Central America

Viewpoints in Moyogalpa
Devil Viewpoint
From Devil Viewpoint, which is a small hill, just over 10 miles south of Moyogalpa, you have a breathtaking view of the island of
Of Cultural Interest in Quetzaltenango
Public Washhouses
Public washing areas are rallying points for women who gather to chat. Here, these are located on the outskirts of Quetzaltenango
Markets in Zunil
Market in Zunil
The market Zunil, 10 kilometers from the Quetzaltenango market is very typical of the highlands of Guatemala. People come from acr
Sports-Related in Utila
Paradise Diver
Diving in Utila is a dream. This Honduran Caribbean island is said to be the cheapest place in the world for diving and obtaining
Health Clinics in Utila
Health Centres
The island of Utila in the Caribbean is a place of worship for divers. However, there's a pretty large gap here as far as health
Of Cultural Interest in Cobán
Hope Community Project
This project has revolutionized the social reality of Coban, mostly in the inner cities of the Effort and Hope. Aimed at first to
Bike Paths in Melchor de Mencos
El Petén to Belice
After a pretty boring road between the region of Petén and Flores, the view of Lake Peté Itza, perspective of good dips, grilled f
Bike Paths in Belize City
Markets in Antigua Guatemala
Crafts Market
This market is near the main market and a very close to the old bus station. Nim Po't market has the best assortment of crafts of
Churches in Antigua Guatemala
Churches in Chichicastenango
Calvary Chapel
On the west side of the central square of Chichicastenango, with shape and functions similar to the church of St. Thomas, but a li
Nature Reserves in El Estor
The Estor
This part of Lake Izabal is less known to travelers, simply because there are hardly any buses or other vehicles to get you there.
Historical Monuments in Antigua Guatemala
Villages in Zunil
Zunil is a town 10 kilometers from Xela, a Quetzaltenando city in the Department of the same name. It is located where several roa
Churches in Sololá
Iglesia de Panajachel
Panajachel is the most visited village by foreigners of Lake Atitlan. Besides the great "gringolandia" with all the souvenirs they
Hiking in Totonicapán
Region of Totonicapán
The region or Totonicapán is the highest area in the country of Guatemala. An area little known by tourists, it has remained large
Villages in Nebaj
Xexuxcab is a very small town. It takes an hour and a half to get to Nebaj. As far as transport there is almost nothing. Maybe if
Villages in Nebaj
Leaving from Xexuxcab to go to Todos Santos, you start to climb the mountain to reach the plateau of Cuchumatan. You go through co