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Sights in Rome

10.323 contributors
sights in Rome : the essentials
Churches in Rome
Basilica of San Clemente
Dedicated to Pope St. Clement I (88-97 AD) the church was founded shortly before 385 AD over Roman buildings. It hosted councils i
1 activity
Ruins in Rome
Temple of Hadrian
On the death of the famous Emperor Hadrian, Antoninus his son built a temple in the year 145. Now, this temple is part of the Pala
Churches in Rome
San Carlo al Corso
The church of San Ambrosio and San Carlo is built on the former church of San Nicola of All. It's a church that was built in honor
Squares in Rome
Piazza del Quirinale
The building of this large plaza lasted for centuries. In the sixteenth century, statues of the Dioscuri were placed here and thei
Squares in Rome
Palazzo Farnese
Farnese Palace was built by Miguel Angel, located in a plaza that bears his name: Piazza Farnese. Currently this building is the F
Stadiums in Rome
Cemeteries in Rome
Our Lady of the Conception of the Capuchins
We visited the Capuchin Crypt on a tour while traveling to Rome. It was an eerie and creepy experience, but also a thought provoki
Squares in Rome
Piazza del Risorgimento
The Piazza di Risorgimento is on the street that's visible from the Portal del Ángel that leads to the Vatican. It is a very livel
Statues in Rome
Squares in Rome
2 activities
Churches in Rome
Palaces in Rome
Exhibitions Palace
The museum is free to enter, the downside is that it's closed in summer and from September the hours are Tue, Wed, Thurs: 10:00-20
Ruins in Rome
Bridges in Rome
2 activities
Churches in Rome
Historical Monuments in Rome
Flaminian Obelisk
The Flaminian Obelisk is one of 13 ancient Roman obelisks it's in the center of Piazza del Popolo and marks the beginning of the V
Squares in Rome
1 activity
Universities in Rome
University of Rome
I just want to write a few words to say that the university of Rome is a piece of art! In every way. Anyone who has been to the Er