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Sights in Central America

8.632 contributors
sights in Central America : the essentials
Churches in Antigua Guatemala
Churches in Chichicastenango
Calvary Chapel
On the west side of the central square of Chichicastenango, with shape and functions similar to the church of St. Thomas, but a li
Historical Monuments in Antigua Guatemala
Churches in Sololá
Iglesia de Panajachel
Panajachel is the most visited village by foreigners of Lake Atitlan. Besides the great "gringolandia" with all the souvenirs they
Cathedrals in Chichicastenango
St. Thomas Cathedral
On the steps of the church is an intense smell of incense and the different spices they sell at the flea market here. It is a chur
Historical Monuments in Flores
Temples in Flores
Temple II
Temple II is situated in the main square of Tikal, where the pre-Hispanic city life once stirred. It is truly a majestic place. As
Palaces in Antigua Guatemala
Churches in Panama City
Ruins in Antigua Guatemala
Universities in Antigua Guatemala
Ruins in San Salvador
Joya de Cerén
This is one of the most interesting places in El Salvador. The lava has preserved many of the houses and the tour guides are excel
Ruins in Sayaxché
Ruins of Aguateca
Aguateca ... Along with the places of El Ceibal and Dos Pilas, Aguateca is 1 of the places you can go and visit. Sayaxché village,
Historical Monuments in Panama City
Las Bovedas
A perfect chance to look at Panama City and the Pacific Ocean, ideal for taking photos with the skyscrapers in the background, and
Cathedrals in Panama City
Squares in Tegucigalpa
Plaza Central
This big plaza is safe during the day. In a city where 5 of the main arteries of the heart is an odyssey, in which you never know
Cemeteries in Antigua Guatemala
Churches in Antigua Guatemala