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Sights in Central America

8.632 contributors
sights in Central America : the essentials
Historical Monuments in Panama City
Panama Canal
The Panama Canal is an inter-oceanic waterway between the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean crossing the Isthmus of Panama at i
Ruins in Panama City
Panama la Vieja
The colonial district of Panama City is extreme. On one side there are houses that are worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, pai
1 activity
Squares in San Jose
Plaza de La Cultura
The Plaza de La Cultura is almost as full of pigeons as the Piazza San Marco in Venice. The Central Market isn't too far from this
Ruins in Santa Rosa de Copán
Copán Ruins
I am from this country and I can tell you that if you want to see the beautiful that is you most go to copan.
Cathedrals in Cartago
Our Lady of the Angels Basilica
The Basilica of Los Angeles is a Catholic church where, according to tradition, someone from the slum, Puebla of the Browns, foun
Historical Monuments in Guatemala City
Guatemala City Historic Center
The Guatemala City officially recognized its Historic Center in 1998 and began to restore this important part of the city that had
Churches in Antigua Guatemala
Church and Convent of Our Lady of la Merced
This happened for Easter ... I had fun watching the procession in the colonial city and I loved seeing the different types of car
Historical Monuments in San Salvador
Monument to the Divine Savior of the World
Probably the Monument to the Savior of the World is the best known image of San Salvador. It is in the Plaza of the Americas, in a
Cathedrals in Antigua Guatemala
Bus Stations in Guatemala City
Chicken Buses
For a couple of bucks, a "Chicken Bus" (also known as "parrilleras") will take you to any remote site throughout Guatemala. From t
Cathedrals in Guatemala City
Cathedral of Guatemala City
The Cathedral of Guatemala City was founded on July 27, 1524 and is located in Central Park. At that time, the city was called San
Cathedrals in San Jose
Metropolitan Cathedral of San José
The cathedral, in the heart of the city, has some great views of different places around the capital of Costa Rica. It's one of th
Squares in Guatemala City
Plaza Mayor de la Constitucion
More often called Central Park,Plaza Mayor is the place where they started building "Guate", Guatemala City, after the earthquake
Squares in San Salvador
Plaza Gerardo Barrios
The Plaza Barrios is one of the nicest places in San Salvador. Its center is the silhouette of the statue of General Barrios ridin
Churches in San Jose
Iglesia de Coronado
The design of the church is based on the French and German Gothic style, as it has elements of both. The galleries are a small-sc
Temples in Tikal
Jaguar Temple
For the Maya, the jaguar was king and lord, so Temple I, in the central square of the city of Tikal, adopts the name Temple of the
Ruins in Paraíso
Ruins of Ujarrás
These ruins are about 70 kilometres from the capital. Located in a rural village, but for its tranquility and natural attractions,
Ruins in Flores
Ceibal Ruins
This is a Maya archaeological site in the south of Peten, near Sayaxché, on the banks of The Passion River. Occupation began aroun