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Outdoors in Central America

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outdoors in Central America : the essentials
Nature Reserves in Estelí
Tisey - Estanzuela
At the hotel, you'll find typical cabins and restaurants. Located at the Panamerican highway, their prices are economical, from ju
Nature Reserves in Morales
Jacanas and Water Lilies in Sweet River
Rio Dulce is located in the area of Izabal, between Lake Izabal and Amatique Bay andit's about 43km long. It is one of the first p
Lakes in Gatún
Gatún Lake
Gatun Lake is one of the three main reservoirs of the Panama Canal, and serving for the transit of ships from one ocean to another
Bays in Roatan
Manglares en Palmetto Bay
If you are on the beach in Palmetto Bay and you want to go for a walk, I recommend that you head to the right until you reach the
Lakes in La Paz Centro
Asososca Lagoon, León
Asososca Lagoon Leon, Nicaragua is my favorite area because I can relax swimming in its warm waters, while seeing some spectacular
Nature Reserves in El Estor
Farm House Paradise
I recently travelled to this place, with the idea that I needed to drive a good stretch of rough, unpaved road, but now it's total
Islands in Granada
Las Isletas
Located on Lake Nicaragua, opposite the town of Granada, there are 365 islets, which were created after an eruption of the volcano
Nature Reserves in Moyogalpa
Green Pool Nature Reserve
It is located just over 10 km from Moyogalpa (capital of the island of Ometepe), following the road south. In the lower area of th
Gardens in San Salvador
Parque de la Colonia Miramonte
I got a great photograph of my Grandmothers flowers from here, a real adventure!
Forests in Jinotega
I live and work in Jinotega de Pediatra, and many afternoons and mornings I take my bike and after cycling for around 10km I find
Rivers in Livingston
Rio Dulce
Sunset in Rio Dulce, Guatemala
Nature Reserves in Moyuta
The Guapichilín Bar
La Barra del Jiote is one of the most remote places on the Pacific coast of Guatemala. To get there go to Las Lisas village by tru
Hiking in Boquete
The Quetzals Trail
The route from Los Quetzales is probably the most famous trekking route in the country, especially since the very beautiful can ob
Islands in Ukupseni
Diadup - Isla Pozo
This beautiful island paradise is close to Diadup. Do you think you could get used to the life here? Do the white sand beaches and
Nature Reserves in Ukupseni
Visiting the Mangroves
For the wildlife, we went to the mangroves that surround the coast of [poi = 58794] Playon Chico [/ poi]. In general, the mangrove
Caves in Juticalpa
Talgua Caves
I never imagined places as beautiful as there are in my native land of Honduras. It is an unforgettable experience, Talgua caves a
Nature Reserves in Sámara
National Life Ostional Wildlife Refuge
Ostional Refuge contains the second most important site of nesting leatherback turtles in Costa Rica. Located on the road (not pav
Volcanoes in Moyogalpa
Concepción (volcano)
Located on the island of Ometepe, near the town of Moyogalpa, is the most perfect volcanic cone of Nicaragua. Although the fog cov