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Villages in Central America


114 villages in Central America

Villages in Portobelo
Portobelo is located 50 km from Colon and 100 from Panama City. On the way from Colon, you'll pass several totally virgin black sa
Villages in San Jose
Villages in San Ignacio (town)
San Ignacio
The town of San Ignacio is on the way to Belize City if you come from Guatemala, and more especially of Flores and Tikal. The town
Villages in El Castillo
El Castillo
From Lake Nicaragua to the Atlantic runs the winding San Juan river; it's like a canal into the country's interior which impressed
Villages in Zancudo
I found this village by chance on February 13, 2008 and stayed three days to see the great blues festival organized every year on
Villages in Santa Lucía
Santa Lucía
A beautiful place full of nature and with a really nice weather.
Villages in León
Sandino Port
The town of Puerto Sandino with its magnificent beaches, was called Puerto Somoza before the revolution. After the revolution the
Villages in Chichicastenango
Villages in Panajachel
Villages in Ukupseni
Villages in Antigua Guatemala
Villages in Mateare
Located in the old city center, the hawthorn flower of MateareLake Xiloá
Villages in San Carlos
Villages in Drakes Bay
Villages in Las Minas
Villages in Upala
Villages in Corinto
Villages in Sumpango