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Festivals in Comarcas of Asturias


40 festivals in Comarcas of Asturias

Festivals in Gijón
Semana Negra Festival
La Semana Negra de Gijón is quite a popular holiday, all over Spain as well as in Asturias. It is always held in July. The centre
Festivals in Gijón
Natural Cider Festival
The Natural Cider Festival of Gijon is held on the last weekend of August. Although we started days before the weekend, it is bett
Festivals in Ribadesella
The Descenso del Sella Festival
Last year I went to my first Descent of the Sella Festival and I was impressed. There were lots of people from everywhere, and the
Festivals in Nava
Festivals in Llanes
Llanes Feasts
Llanes Day on July 22 is the day of St. Mary Magdalene. Hundreds of residents and others come together in a colorful procession an
Festivals in Cangas del Narcea
Festivals in Ribadesella
Festivities of Our Lady the Virgin of Guide
In July, the city streets are decorated to celebrate the Feast of the Virgin, Our Lady of Guia, who is the patroness of seafarers.
Festivals in Tapia de Casariego
XI Mussel Festival
When I went for a visit to the Asturian town of Tapia de Casariego, I got to witness their three most important events: IX World C
Festivals in Ribadesella
Day of Asturias or the Virgin of Covadonga
Each September 8 the Principality celebrates its patron saint, the Virgin of Covadonga, with processions, food fairs, concerts. I
Festivals in Villaviciosa
International Bagpipe Festival
During days 8 to 12 September we saw one of the most anticipated parties of the Asturian village. Pipe bands from all over the cou
Festivals in Laviana
Festivals in Colunga
Festivals in Candamo
Festivals in Oviedo
Festivals in Degaña
Festivals in Llanes
Llanes (municipality), Popular Festivals
Throughout the length and breadth of the council of Llanes there are thousands of festivals. Each village has at least a couple of
Festivals in Avilés
Avilés Intercélticu Festival
This festival is held every year in the town of Avilés. During the festival different activities as well as folk and Celtic music
Festivals in Villaviciosa
Traditional Mercau
In the park at the end of the street, and coinciding with the Festival, during 8-11th September is the popular Traditional Mercau