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Churches in Costa Norte


36 churches in Costa Norte

Churches in Viana do Castelo Municipality
Churches in Viana do Castelo Municipality
Chapel of the Souls
This small chapel is named because it was outside the city walls, near the cemetery (moved here in the XIX century), and it's uniq
Churches in Viana do Castelo Municipality
El Carmen Church
This church is on the outskirts of the Old Town and it's not easy to reach as it's in front of the train tracks and it's difficult
Churches in Porto
Santa Clara Church
In the words of José Saramago the Church of Santa Clara is a real gem. No doubt he was right. The church in Porto (Portugal) and i
Churches in Viana do Castelo Municipality
Churches in Viana do Castelo Municipality
Churches in Viana do Castelo Municipality
Aurora do Lima Chapel
A small chapel in the historical district, in a street off Plaza de la République (between the House of Mercy and the old City Hal
Churches in Porto
Our Lady of Vitória Church
The Church of Our Lady of Vitoria was destroyed by fire and restored in the eighteenth century. Its most prized object is the wood
Churches in Porto
Church of the Third Order
A church dedicated to Our Lady of the Legion from the second half of the eighteenth century. It's hidden in a small street and the
Churches in Porto
Churches in Porto
Churches in Porto
Churches in Montalegre
Churches in Montalegre
Churches in Porto
Churches in Porto
Churches in Porto
Churches in Viana do Castelo Municipality