I think I have been here half of my Erasmus of two years. Zwölfzehn (Twelve Ten) is a pub near Stadtmitte which became a favorite of many Spanish. If you are a large group or a group with a shortage of girls you can discard the vast majority of sites in Stuttgart. This place has rock music, including the classic oldies, eighties music and some more modern themes. The price of drinks is quite affordable for the students pocket. To give you an idea, a draft beer pint costs 3 euros. And they also offer sparkling wine, typical of southern Germany for about 2 euros. Yes, the wine is somewhat quarrelsome.
The day you go half the people there will be German and half Spanish. Admission is free and the site closes around 4 on Friday and Saturday. I recommend taking the time and going to visit, it's a great place to enjoy the people and the atmosphere, I loved it and so will you.
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