Spectacular village ...!
Pueblito espectacular...!
Yanchishan es un pueblito espectacular. Un pueblo de montaña, de cosechas de arroz, de frío y de sol. Llegamos aquí desde Baiji, un pueblito a apenas 7-8km por caminos y senderos. La ruta que hicimos consistía en venir a este pueblito, y volverse. la idea y la vuelta fueron apenas 5 horas de caminata.
El pueblito vive con las puertas abiertas y por cualquier callejuela que pasas puedes ver lo que están haciendo los que allí viven; sazonar carne para conservar, empaquetar su cosecha para guardar, elaborar artesanías para los turistas perdidos y hasta servicio de guías ofrecido por los niños del pueblo.
Yanchishan is a spectacular little town. A mountain village, with crops of rice, cold and sun. We arrived here from Baiji, a small village just 7-8km down paths and trails. The route we took was to come to this little town, and turn around. The idea and the return were only 5 hours of walking. The village lives with the doors open and through any alley you pass you can see what those who live there are doing; Seasoning meat to preserve, packing their harvest to keep, making handicrafts for lost tourists and even guides service offered by village children.
