Wooden Mosque
Gewane, situated in Ethiopia, is one of the driest and hottest parts of that country. Poverty pervades every corner and the people of this area have hardly any infrastructure. Sometimes people are very small and do not have mosques (the population is Afar and their religion is Islam), with the result that they are forced to take long walks for their daily prayers. What has been done to facilitate these people is to built mosques to pray near the road. If you follow the road you may suddenly find a mosque in an otherwise totally deserted area. These mosques are very humble and are made with wooden sticks, as it is the only material that is available.
This is a "building" that only has space inside to pray. These mosques are quite low in height with "towers" of sticks to identify them. It is very curious to see them because it seems that they cannot resist anything, but yet they remain for years. There is usually always people around these mosques as people from nearby villages every day go to these mosques to pray.
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