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Whales of Australia


2 reviews of Whales of Australia

From June to October the whales migrate...

De junho a outubro as baleias migram e...

De junho a outubro as baleias migram e passam constantemente perto da costa de Sydney. Se tiver paciência nem precisa de alugar os barcos que vão ver as baleias, basta sentar-se em algum ponto estratégico com vista para o mar e é certo que as vê saltar! Esta semana houve uma que saltou diretamente para cima de um yatch! (ver fotografia) bom... Querer ve-las mas não tanto!
From June to October the whales migrate and are constantly near the coast of sydney. If you have patience or need to rent the boats that go to see the whales, just sit somewhere estrategic overlooking the sea and is sure to see them jump! This week was one that jumped directly onto a yacht! (See photo) good ... Want to see them but not so much!
See original

The most divine and give their show. We...

Las más divinas, y dan su espectáculo.

Fuimos en un catamarán a esperar verlas fuera de la bahía de Sydney. A los 5 minutos de llegar a una zona en mar abierto empezamos a ver los chorros de agua cuando salen a respirar y de pronto sale la cola de una y nos emociona su baile. Vimos varias aunque no saltó ninguna para verla completa pero vimos sus lomos y cola.
The most divine and give their show. We went on a catamaran to expect to see them outside of Sydney Bay. At 5 minutes of reaching an area in the open sea we start to see the jets of water when they come out to breathe and suddenly give the tail of one and we are excited about their dance! We saw several but did not jump any to see it complete but we saw their loins and tail !!
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