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Westminster Cathedral

7:00 - 19:00
Opening Hours
7:00 - 19:00
7:00 - 19:00
7:00 - 19:00
7:00 - 19:00
7:00 - 19:00
7:00 - 19:00
7:00 - 19:00
020 7798 905
020 7798 905
Phone number

7 reviews of Westminster Cathedral

Westminster Cathedral


This is the main church of the Catholic Church in England and Wales. Construction began in 1895 and it opened in 1903. It has a neo-Byzantine style, with typical mosaics. It is still not finished yet, mainly due to lack of resources, and it continues to receive donations to complete it. The tower (87m), and the choir, are most striking. The choir singing in the cathedral is one of the most prestigious in the world, first for its acoustics and also for being the only cathedral that celebrates a sung Mass every day. Highly recommended.

Highlight of the Westminster Abbey

One of the biggest highlights of the Westminster Abbey is Lady Chapel. The vaulted chapel in the eastern part of the church was built by Henry VII in the Gothic style and includes two side wings and five smaller chapels.


The great abbey

La gran abadía

Conocida mundialmente por ser el panteón de los monarcas ingleses, sede de sus coronaciones y otros actos de gran boato, dentro de sus recios muros pueden contemplarse algunos de los mejores ejemplos de la arquitectura medieval londinense. Hay que ir con cuidado, porque por todas partes, ya sea en el suelo, en las paredes o en las columnas hay mausoleos y tumbas de personajes famosos y héroes nacionales británicos. Pero empecemos desde fuera, porque según nos vamos acercando a ella, nuestra atención se ve literalmente absorbida por las preciosas torres gemelas que flanquean su entrada oeste ( no entraremos por ahí porque está reservada a actos oficiales) y a los delicados pero potentes arbotantes que se reparten el peso de la nave que se eleva hasta los 31 metros de altura y que es la más alta de Inglaterra. Para poder contemplar y darnos cuenta de la grandiosidad del templo debemos situarnos en el principio de la nave y tendremos una vista espectacular. Según vayamos caminando descubriremos los tesoros de la catedral, desde la Capilla de San Eduardo, donde se guarda celosamente el trono de la coronación y el sepulcro del casi sagrado Eduardo el Confesor, pasando por la bellísima capilla de Enrique VII donde entraremos en éxtasis contemplando su bóveda, la magnífica sala capitular con su única columna que sustenta la ligera y hermosa techumbre, hasta llegar al Rincón de los Poetas, donde yacen enterrados escritores de la talla de Charles Dickens, William Shakespeare, Geoffrey Chaucer o Samuel Johnson. No debemos olvidarnos de acercarnos a tumba de Isaac Newton, llena de simbolismo y misterio, la sencilla lápida en el suelo de Darwin y por supuesto recorrer un tramo del claustro, que unía la abadía con las otras dependencias. Historia, realeza y religión se unen en este espacio único al que recomiendo dedicar al menos tres horas. Puedo asegurarles que las merece.
Known worldwide for being the pantheon of English monarchs, home of their coronations and other acts of great pageantry, within its thick walls can be seen some of the best examples of medieval architecture in London. We must be careful, because everywhere, whether on the floor, on walls or columns there mausoleums and tombs british celebrities and national heroes. But let's start from the outside, because according we approach it, our attention is literally absorbed by the beautiful twin towers flanking the west entrance (not go out there because it is reserved for official acts) and delicate yet powerful buttresses that are distributed the weight of the ship rises to 31 meters tall and is the most high in England. To contemplate and realize the grandeur of the temple we put ourselves at the beginning of the ship and have a spectacular view. According we go walking discover the treasures of the cathedral from the chapel of St. Edward, where he jealously guards the throne of the coronation and the tomb of the almost sacred Edward the Confessor, through the bellsima chapel of Henry VII which go into ecstasy contemplating their vault, the magnificent chapter house with its unique column supporting the roof light and beautiful, until the Rincn of Poets, the resting spot for writers such as Charles Dickens, William Shakespeare, Geoffrey Chaucer and Samuel Johnson. We must not forget approach tomb of Isaac Newton, full of symbolism and mystery, the simple gravestone in the floor of Darwin and of course go a stretch of the cloister, that the abbey with other agencies. History, royalty and religion come together in this unique space that recommend spending at least three hours. I can assure you that it deserves.
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Westminster Cathedral is the nineteenth...

La catedral de Westminster es del siglo...

La catedral de Westminster es del siglo XIX (1895-1903) y fue proyectada por John Francis Bentley, que eligió el estilo neobizantino para el edificio. Es inconfundible su ladrillo rojo, bastante curioso como elemento de construcción de una iglesia… La catedral de Westminster es la sede central de la Iglesia Católica en el Reino Unido. Como curiosidad: Su interior está sin terminar por falta de presupuesto, aunque se pueden ver más de 100 tipos de mármol, mosaico y ladrillo. Se puede subir a su campanario, que mide 83 metros de altura y tiene unas vistas impresionantes, y al que se puede acceder a la cima en ascensor.
Westminster Cathedral is the nineteenth century (1895-1903) and was designed by John Francis Bentley, who chose the Neo-Byzantine style for the building. Its distinctive red brick is quite interesting as a construction of a church ... Westminster Cathedral is the headquarters of the Catholic Church in the UK. As a curiosity: The interior is unfinished for lack of funds, but you can see more than 100 types of marble, tile and brick. You can climb to the bell tower, which is 83 meters high and has stunning views, and you can reach the top by lift.
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Information about Westminster Cathedral