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Jack the Ripper
The murderer abandoned a piece of bloody apron from Catherine Eddowes on the door of No. 48, Wentworth Street, near where today, are situated the market stalls of petticoat Lane. Today the building houses expensive apartments for workers from the financial district which is within walking distance, but at the time of the Ripper the area served humble Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe who lived by selling clothes and shoes secondhand. The finding of this made researchers think that the murderer was in the area, an "Eastender" (inhabitant of East London). He was given the nickname which we now call the murderer.
A letter was sent to a London news agency signed by Jack the Reaper (Jack the Ripper) claiming the murders. Today we know this letter is fake but it sparked a journalistic frenzy that made that psychopath live on to this day.
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