miguel a. cartagena
One of the biggest and most important things in Sukhothai
It is outside the walls of the heart of town but next to Wat Mahathat and one of the biggest and most significant of Sukhothai. It was constructed in the twelth century during the reign of Jayavarman VII, Khmer, the king who also constructed Angkor Thom. Like many other temples in Thailand this one was of Indian origin and was a Buddhist temple. Little remains of this temple to get an idea of what was there but its structure is like many other Buddhist temples. It was alligned east-west with their most important pictures facing east. We also saw many depictions of Buddha, a prayer room. Only one of the Prangs you can still see remnants of, from the Khmer culture.
After seeing the city we did not expect to find 500 meters beyond the walls through the north gate, San Luang Gate, a temple of this size but this temple is from the ancient city of Sukhothai. We were exhausted afterwards from the heat.
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