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Warmoesstraat Street

4 reviews of Warmoesstraat Street

Along the canals medieval

Lungo i canali medievali

Dopo aver ammirato la simmetria dei canali occidentali e meridionali interni della città, è interessante dare uno sguardo alle strade e ai canali del centro medievale, ovvero quelli più antichi. Si diramano dal fiume Ij come le radici di un albero e Warmoesstraat fu una delle prime vie realizzate lungo il corso di uno di essi. Qui gli scorci che si aprono agli occhi dei visitatori sono completamente diversi, non ci sono più le case con le facciate a frontone, ma le costruzioni sono decisamente più massicce. Una passeggiata molto piacevole per scoprire alcune delle parti più nascoste e suggestive del centro cittadino.
After admiring the symmetry of the channel west and south inner city, it is interesting to take a look at the streets and canals of the medieval center, or the older ones. Branch off from the river Ij as the roots of a tree and Warmoesstraat was one of the first streets built over the course of one of them. Here the views that open the eyes of visitors are completely different, there are more houses with gable facades, but the buildings are much more massive. A very pleasant walk to discover some of the most hidden and evocative of the city center.
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Amsterdam is a magical place

Amsterdam es un lugar mágico

Amsterdam es un lugar mágico, iglesias, museos y un gran ambiente en toda la ciudad, es muy recomendable alquilar una bici durante un día por unos 13€ para recorrer la ciudad en el medio de transporte mas usado, y de paso, hacer algo de deporte.
Amsterdam is a magical place, churches, museums and a great atmosphere throughout the city, it is advisable to rent a bike for one day for about 13 to tour the city in the most used means of transport, and incidentally, do some sport .
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Here you sit in a world apart, the...

Aqui sentes-te num mundo à parte

As cores das casas, as bicicletas sempre encostadas como se tivessem a posar para uma foto e rio, provocam em ti uma boa nostalgia. Sentes-te num verdadeiro quadro!
Here you sit in a world apart, the colors of the houses, the bicycles always leaning as if they were to pose for a photo and a river, provoke in you a good nostalgia. You feel a real picture!
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Warmoesstraat 141 Monday - Saturday 11 am AM - 6am PM

Warmoesstraat 141 Segunda - Sábado 11h AM - 6h PM

Warmoesstraat 141 Segunda - Sábado 11h AM - 6h PM
Warmoesstraat 141 Monday - Saturday 11 am AM - 6am PM
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