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3 reviews of Tso Kar Lake

an arid landscape ...

Un paisaje arido ...

Seguimos ascendiendo por un increíble paisaje de montaña hacia el lago salado Tso Kar, y así subiendo increíbles puertos de montaña por estas regiones llenas de gente con sus rebaños de cabras y ovejas, estampas tan bonitas como increíbles según nos aproximamos en los cohes. Ya en el lugar deseosa de aventurarme un poquito y captar momentos como esta increíble carnicería en pleno puerto, donde se va matando según se van vendiendo así de simple, no podía ser de otra manera. A nuestra llegada sigue nevando, la verdad es que a ninguno nos molestó, sino todo lo contrario, que gozada de paisaje y su chorten llenitos de "estandartes votivos tan coloristas", el lago precioso en ese tono azul - aguamarina por la luz y los sedimentos de sal tan pesados dan este bonito y blanquecino tono al lago, a veces hay gente local sacando la sal. Un lugar grandioso, de fascinantes paisajes llenos de contrastes que proporcionan sus desnudas cordilleras junto a sus picos nevados... Toca en sus campamentos, reponemos fuerzas.
We continue climbing for incredible mountain scenery to the salt lake Tso Kar, and so incredible mountain passes up these regions crowded with their herds of goats and sheep, as nice as we approach incredible prints in seconds Taxis Car. Already in venturing a little anxious and capture moments like this incredible carnage in the port, where it will kill second place they go selling that simple, could not be otherwise. You still snowing arrival, the truth is that none annoying us, but on the contrary that blast of landscape and plump chorten of "votive colorful banners as" the beautiful lake at the blue tone - Aqua by light and Sediments so heavy salt give this nice lake blamquecino tone, sometimes there are local people taking salt. A great place, with fascinating landscapes full of contrasts that provide their bare ridges with their snowy peaks .. Performs in their camps, we replace forces.
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Lake Tso Kar is not a must in itself:...

Le lac Tso Kar n'est pas un must en...

Le lac Tso Kar n'est pas un must en lui-même : lac salé, en grande partie asséché, il crée une zone de marécage et est bordé d'un hameau misérable. Mais le site est époustouflant. Pour l'atteindre, il a fallu grimper des kilomètres et des kilomètres de piste. La pureté du ciel ici, à 4270 mètres d'altitude, est incomparable. Un camp de tentes accueille les touristes de passage pour une nuit en ces lieux vraiment magiques. Les nomades ont marqué de leur empreinte le caractère religieux des lieux : un chorten blanc perdu au plus haut des montagnes himalayennes, ou encore des drapeaux de prières tendus sur des piquets de fortune. Bouddha ! Que la montagne est belle !
Lake Tso Kar is not a must in itself: salt lake, mostly dry, it creates a wetland area and is surrounded by a miserable hamlet. But the site is amazing. To achieve this, he had to climb for miles and miles of track. The purity of the sky here at 4270 meters, is incomparable. A tent camp welcomes tourists visiting for one night in this really magical places. Nomads have left their mark on the religious character of the place: a white chorten lost in the highest Himalayan mountains, or prayer flags stretched on poles fortune. Buddha! The beautiful mountains!
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Tso Kar Lake - 4530m, about 100km from...

Tso Kar Lake - 4530m, circa 100km da...

Tso Kar Lake - 4530m, circa 100km da Leh. Siamo nella splendida valle del Rupshu, in Ladakh,regione Indiana del Jammu&Kashmir, regno dei nomadi Khampa. In questa zona si possono avvistare i Kyang, i cavalli selvaggi del tibet,molte marmotte ,capre tibetane e le aquile. Il nome Tso Kar significa lago bianco, per via dei residui minerali e i depositi di sale che lo circondano e ne fanno risaltare le sfumature blu e turchesi. Qui i nomadi Khampa per secoli hanno estratto il sale usato come merce di scambio in Ladakh.
Tso Kar Lake - 4530m, about 100km from Leh. We are in the beautiful valley of Rupshu, in Ladakh, Indian region of Jammu & Kashmir, the kingdom of Khampa nomads. In this area you may spot Kyang, the wild horses of Tibet, many marmots, Tibetan goats and eagles. The name means white lake Tso Kar, because of the residual minerals and salt deposits that surround it and make it stand out of the blue and turquoise shades. Here Khampa nomads for centuries extracted the salt used as a bargaining chip in Ladakh.
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