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24 reviews of Torla

Torla, my hideaway!

Torla is a town in Huesca situated at the beginning of the convergence of two valleys: the Bujaruelo Valley and the Ordesa Valley.

The village maintains a good harmony with its structures, and it is the village that I love the best in the Aragon Pyrenees. Whenever I can, I escape there to enjoy a few pleasant days. I recommend it.

A Well Preserved Town

Torla is one of the doors to Ordesa and Monte Perdido National Park, the one that gives access to the area of the valley of Ordesa.

When we arrive there we find a small town of steep and cobbled streets; what first caught my attention was the stamp of the church of the 16th century, with the mountains on the background. As soon as we go inside the town we submerge into the typical architecture of the Pyrenees: spacious houses with great stoned walls, slate roofs and round chimneys; stone, wood and forged iron are the most typical elements in the construction.

The town is very well taken care of (flowers in the doors and corners), the shops also take care of every detail, with its wooden signs and carefully assembled displays.

Torla belongs (since it was recognized by the UNESCO in 1977), along with other towns of the area, to the Reserve of the Biosphere of Ordesa Viñamala. While walking along its streets we discover that, even though it is small, it doesn’t lack anything. It has shops, restaurants, hotels for all budgets, and a lot of things related to mountain sports.

The best option is to go to the enormous tourist office next to a great parking lot at the entrance of town (from this same place leave the buses that takes us to the valley).

The tourist office gives us the bus tickets (3 Euros per way), the maps of the routes and all necessary information. Moreover, they always have a small exhibit in the ground floor.
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Amazing Landscapes

After a nice three hour walk, we arrive to the end of the valley. It is crossed by a river that has its source in a waterfall.

It is a magical place, where we see a great névé that crosses the river, from side to side and that has made a natural ice bridge.

It is a place where, after a long walk, you can contemplate amazing landscapes.

Rincn charming

Rincón con encanto

Lugar indispensable para visitar, antes de subir a al parque natural de Ordesa y Monte Perdido,, típico pueblo del Pirineo aragonés, con su encanto y sobre todo su gente..... Muy tranquilo fuera de época de temporada alta.....
Essential place to visit, before climbing to the natural park of Ordesa and Monte Perdido,, typical village of the Aragonese Pyrenees, with its charm and above all its people ..... Very quiet out of high season .....
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Torla is located to 1032 m. Altitude...

Torla esta situada a 1032 m. De altitud...

Torla esta situada a 1032 m. De altitud y tiene 233 habitantes. En la entrada natural al Parque Nacional de Ordesa y Monte Perdido además de dar acceso a la pista forestal que conduce a Bujaruelo. Población típicamente alto aragonesa, desde donde se divisa el imponente Mondarruego. Puede presumir de los mas bellos rincones y casas muy interesantes: Casa Ruba, Casa Bun, Casa Lardiés, Casa del Saste o Casa Viu, entre otras, construidas en piedra, ventanas de doble arco y escudos nobiliarios en las fachadas. La iglesia parroquial del s. XVI recientemente restaurada, es de estilo gótico tardío, tiene una bella portada románica, modificada en épocas anteriores, se han descubierto algunas pinturas que todavía no se han catalogado. En la Plaza Mayor destaca un edificio del siglo XIII. Torla está dotada de todos los servicios municipales necesarios. Su oferta de establecimientos de turismo y servicios es completa y de gran calidad.
Torla is located to 1032 m. Altitude and has 233 inhabitants. In the natural entrance to the National Park of Ordesa and Monte Perdido besides giving access to the forest track leading to Bujaruelo. Population high Aragonese typically, which overlooks the imposing Mondarruego. Can boast of the most beautiful places and interesting houses: House Ruba, Bun House, Lardiés House, House or House Saste Viu, among others, built of stone, double-arch windows and coats of arms on the facade. The parish church of s. XVI recently restored, is in late Gothic style, has a beautiful Romanesque portal, as amended in the past, they have discovered some paintings that have not yet been cataloged. In the Plaza Mayor stands XIII century building. Torla is equipped with all necessary municipal services. Your offer of tourism establishments and services is complete and high quality.
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A village tale ...

Un pueblecito de cuento...

Torla es uno de esos pueblos, de los que ya no te olvidas y siempre tienes presente pues, para lo pequeño que es, tiene algo que muy pocos tienen: alma y, sobre todo, vida. Las calles empedradas, las casas grandes y tejados negros, los balcones cargados de flores que alegran la vista, miles de bares, con auténticos detalles de Aragón, tiendas de ropa de montaña, y sobre todo gente... La gente pasea por sus calles y se respira el mismo ambiente de deporte, salud, aventura, tranquilidad, emoción... Es algo dificil de explicar, mejor es sentirlo, asi que , ¿¿¿a qué esperas???
Torla is one of those towns, of which no longer forget and always have in mind as to how small it is, is something that very few have and soul ... and especially life ... The cobbled streets, large houses and black roofs, balconies full of flowers to delight the eye, thousands of bars, with authentic Aragon, mountain clothing stores, especially people ... People walk through the streets and breathe the same atmosphere of sport, health, adventure, tranquility, excitement ... It's hard to explain, better feel, so, are you waiting for???
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Beautiful village with nooks of charm.

Bonito pueblo con rincones de encanto.

Disponemos de hoteles, camping, bungalows, restaurantes y tiendas. También algún centro de turismo activo de aventura. Desde aquí, desde el centro de visitantes del parque (a la orilla de la carretera principal) salen autobuses que nos trasladan hasta el parking del valle de Ordesa (inicio de los senderos a Cola de Caballo, entre otros) por 4,5€ (ida y vuelta).
Nice village with charming corners. We have hotels, camping, bungalows, restaurants and shops. Also some active adventure tourism center. From here, from the visitor center of the park (on the edge of the main road), buses depart to the parking lot of the Ordesa Valley (start of the trails to Cola de Caballo, among others) for € 4.5 round trip)
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Village between mountains

Pueblo entre Montañas

Este pequeño pueblo, fue en donde nos informaron de todas las excursiones que se podían realizar por la zona, también tiene diversas tiendas de alpinismo y de gastronomía, además en el pueblo se localizan diversos hoteles en los que se puede uno alojar. Aquí dejo una foto, que resume la localización del pueblo, cuando levantas la vista hacia el cielo. ;)
This small town was where we learned all that could make excursions in the area, also has various climbing shops and gastronomy, and people are located in various hotels can accommodate one. Here I leave a picture that summarizes the location of people, when you lift your eyes to heaven. ;)
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People of the Aragonese Pyrenees,...

Pueblo del Pirineo Aragonés, puerta de ...

Pueblo del Pirineo Aragonés, puerta de entrada al Parque Nacional de Ordesa. Se trata de un precioso lugar con casas de piedra, pequeños hoteles y restaurantes con encanto. Las vistas impresionantes.
People of the Aragonese Pyrenees, gateway to the Ordesa National Park. It is a beautiful place with stone houses, small hotels and charming restaurants. The breathtaking views.
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Pretty little town

Jolie petite ville

Jolie petite ville
Pretty little town
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Restaurante El Duende Torla a charming place for dinner.

Restaurante El Duende Torla un lugar con encanto para cenar.

Restaurante El Duende Torla un lugar con encanto para cenar.
Restaurante El Duende Torla a charming place for dinner.
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A beautiful town

Un pueblo precioso.

Sin duda acrecienta la magia de aquellos rincones.
A beautiful town, which undoubtedly increases the magic of those corners.
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Lost Mount

Monte perdido.

Monte perdido.
Lost Mount
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One day cloudy

Un día nublado

Un día nublado
One day cloudy
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A las puertas de Ordesa.
At the gates of Ordesa
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