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The Treasury

18 reviews of The Treasury


This is an important archaeological site in Jordan, and the capital of the ancient Nabatean kingdom. The name Petra means rock in Greek. Petra is located in a narrow valley, east of the Arava Valley, about 80 kilometres south of the Dead Sea. "Treasure" (the monument you see in the picture) is reached after crossing a gorge between a set of monumental rocks called The Siq, which is at the end of the hike. As you can see from the photo, it was an amazing journey.

Undoubtedly, El Tesoro is the best...

Sin duda, El Tesoro es lo más conocido ...

Sin duda, El Tesoro es lo más conocido de Petra. Y su fama, en parte, se la debe a Indiana Jones y la Ultima Cruzada. Bueno, para ser sinceros, su fama se la debe a su belleza pero su popularidad se puede achacar al señor Jones. Lo cierto es que, tras caminar durante un buen rato por el Siq, ver cómo va apareciendo El Tesoro ante tus ojos es una experiencia de lo más impresionante que he vivido. Tiene algo especial. Desde el color, que cambia durante el día de un tono más amarillento a uno más rosa según le va dando el sol, hasta su solemnidad. Da igual que estés rodeado y acompañado de multitudes haciendo fotos, vendiendo cosas o incluso estorbando. Da igual. Lo cierto es que uno se puede quedar ahí mirando y mirando, asombrado. Y uno tiene la curiosidad de acercarse y adentrarse en su interior. Aunque luego te arrepientes (dentro no hay nada más que un vacío enorme). Pero abruma saber que eso era la puerta de entrada de la ciudad nabatea. Y abruma más saber que está todo por descubrir. Que debajo hay mucho, que alrededor hay más. Que los terremotos y el tiempo han ocultado todo lo que allí existía civilización tras civilización. Y que te quedan horas y horas de paseo por Petra. Porque, amigo, El Tesoro es sólo la entrada. Luego comienza la exploración.
Undoubtedly, El Tesoro is the best known of Petra. And his fame, in part, due to the Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Well, to be honest, his fame owes its beauty but its popularity can be attributed to Mr. Jones. The truth is that after walking for a while by the Siq, see how appearing Treasury before your eyes is an experience most impressive I"ve lived. It has something special. From the color, which changes during the day more yellowish tone to a more rose as he is giving the sun until its solemnity. Whether you"re surrounded and accompanied by crowds taking pictures, selling things or even cluttering. Does not matter. The truth is that you can stand there looking and watching, amazed. And you have the curiosity to approach and penetrate inside. But then you repent (inside there is nothing but a huge empty). But overwhelms know that was the gateway of the Nabatean city. And overwhelms most know that is all to discover. Beneath much, that around more. Earthquakes and time have hidden all that there was civilization after civilization. And you are hours and hours of walk through Petra. Because, friend, El Tesoro is only the entrance. Then the exploration begins.
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The symbol of Jordan

Il simbolo della Giordania

Il famosissimo Tesoro è l'immagine più emblematica di Petra e dell'intera Giordania. Il nome non ha niente a che vedere con il luogo: si tratta infatti di un templio costruito nel I secolo a.C. dal re nabateo Aretas III. Il monumento è stato costruito nel posto più spettacolare, in quanto appare subito dopo l'uscita dal Siq, il passaggio di 1,5 km in mezzo alle rocce. L'emozione è straordinaria. A rovinare il momento, ci sono decine di venditori che vogliono farti montare a cavallo o venderti qualcosa e che vi 'distrarranno' dalla visione. Nonostante questo, vi renderete conto di essere davvero di fronte a una delle sette meraviglie del mondo moderno.
The famous Treasury is the most emblematic image of the entire Petra and Jordan. The name has nothing to do with the place: it is a temple built in the first century BC by the Nabataean king Aretas III. The monument was built in the most spectacular as it appears immediately after the exit from the Siq, the 1.5 km of passage through the rocks. The emotion is extraordinary. A ruin the moment, there are dozens of vendors who want you to ride a horse or sell you something and you 'distract' from the vision. Despite this, you will realize really be in front of one of the seven wonders of the modern world.
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Home of The Treasure

Portada de El Tesoro

Salir del desfiladero e ir viendo aparecer poco a poco El Tesoro es una experiencia única. Viendo la fachada te das cuenta de lo "ignorante e interesado" que es el genero humano. Huellas del paso de "civilizaciones avanzadas" tales como "huellas de disparos" en "la olla del tesoro" (que en realidad es el fruto del granado). No es lo mismo ver El Tesoro por la mañana o por la tarde, los colores son diferentes... Lástima que muchos de los detalles se han perdido y solamente se pueden intuir o ver ...en las láminas del dibujante inglés del siglo pasado David Robert. Después de caminar durante un buen trecho y con calor... la llegada y ver esa fachada es impresionante
Exit and go gorge gradually seeing appear Treasure is a unique experience. Viewing the facade you realize what "ignorant and interested" which is the human race. Footprints step "advanced civilizations" such as "traces of gunfire" in "treasure pot" (which is actually the fruit of the pomegranate). Not the same view Treasure morning or afternoon, the colors are different ... Too bad that many of the details are lost and can only intuit or see ... in the sheets of the last century English artist David Robert. After walking for some distance and heat ... arrival and see that facade is impressive
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At the end of the Siq ...

Au bout du Siq...

Une fois la balade à travers le Siq terminée , vous voilà nez à nez avec une des merveille de Pétra le Trésor de pétra aussi appelé KHAZNEH. C'est un des plus célèbre temple de pétra. Les couleurs sont tout simplement splendide et il est même possible de faire la visite en chameau . Alors juste une chose émerveillez vous !
Once the walk through the Siq completed, you're face to face with one of the wonder of the Treasury of Petra petra also called Khazneh. This is one of most famous temple of petra. The colors are just gorgeous and it is even possible to visit the camel. So just one thing marvel!
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It is one of the most impressive things I have seen in my life.

Es de las cosas más impresionantes que he visto en mi vida.

La recomendación para visitar Petra es que antes de llegar adquieran el Jordan Pass el cual incluye la Visa de Jordania siempre y cuando se queden más de 3 noches en Jordania que es lo más recomendable, Petra necesita al menos dos días. Ese pase además incluye dos días de visita a Petra y ya con eso se pueden ahorrar dinero, además incluye más atracciones.
It is one of the most impressive things I have seen in life. The recommendation to visit Petra is that before arriving acquire the Jordan Pass which includes the Jordan Visa as long as they stay more than 3 nights in Jordan which is the most recommended, Petra needs at least two days. That pass also includes two days of visiting Petra and with that you can save money, it also includes more attractions.
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The magic of the Siq

La magia del Siq

Sono stata anch'io a Petra e non ho parole per descrivere il posto da quanto mi è piaciuto. E' la seconda meraviglia del mondo moderno, dopo la Muraglia cinese. E ' un'area vastissima tutta da visitare, da non perdere la visita notturna : il Siq illuminato solo da fiaccole lungo tutto il percorso. Se avete in programma un viaggio a Petra non perdetevelo.
I was also in Petra and I have no words to describe the place as much as I liked. It 's the second wonder of the modern world, after the Great Wall of China. It 'a very large area all to visit, do not miss the night visit: the Siq lit only by torches along the way. If you're planning a trip to Petra do not miss it.
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Dal deserto del Wadi Rum, alla magnificenza di Petra, percorrendo le sponde del Giordano fino al mar Morto ed arrivare infine alla fonte battesimale di Betania. La Giordania è uno spettacolo unico da scoprire e... riscoprire
From the desert of Wadi Rum, to the magnificence of Petra, along the banks of the Jordan to the Dead Sea to arrive finally at the baptismal font of Bethany. Jordan is a unique spectacle to discover and ... rediscover
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One of the seven wonders of the modern...

Una delle sette meraviglie del mondo...

Una delle sette meraviglie del mondo moderno non a caso: il tesoro di Petra è una delle parti più belle da vedere nel sito archeologico. Evitate le ore più calde e più affollate. I colori cambiano da quando arrivate a quando ripartire.
One of the seven wonders of the modern world is no coincidence: the treasury of Petra is one of the most beautiful sights in the archaeological site. Avoid the hottest and most crowded. The colors change when you arrive to when you leave.
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Unforgettable Petra

Inolvidable Petra

Realmente es una experiencia inolvidable. El momento en el que abres los ojos para ver el Tesoro después de caminar en silencio por el Siq (desfiladero) que te lleva hacía Petra es mágico. Sólo se oye el wow!!! de toda la gente maravillada por el paisaje.
It really is an unforgettable experience. The moment you open your eyes to see the Treasury after walking in silence through the Siq (canyon) that leads to Petra is magical. Only hear the wow! of all people marveling at the scenery.
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At the end of the Siq, after 1.5 km walk, the Khazneh, the most famous monuments of Ptra.

Au bout du Siq, après 1,5 km de marche, la Khazneh, le plus célèbre des monuments de Pétra.

Haitham nous demande de regarder le haut du canyon, on se rassemble tous puis il nous demande de nous retourner et là tout d'un coup apparaît le Trésor majestueux, grandiose et imposant!
Haitham asks us to look up the canyon, we all together then he asks us to return to us and there suddenly appears the majestic Treasury grandiose and imposing!
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A lost city

Una ciudad perdida

Creada en la piedra por los nabateos hace cientos de años...
Created in the rock by the Nabataeans hundreds of years ago ...
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See Petra and Treasury virtually only priceless

Ver Petra y su Tesoro, prácticamente solo no tiene precio

Ver Petra y su Tesoro, prácticamente solo no tiene precio
See Petra and Treasury virtually only priceless
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Es una pasada, merece la pena. Es un sitio que hay que visitar. No vale que te lo cuenten, hay que verlo. País seguro, yo iba con miedo pero luego nada de nada. Gente amable. Muchos sitios para ver y disfrutar
It is amazing, well worth it. It is a place to be visited. You better not have it, you have to see. Safe country, I was scared but then nothing. Friendly people. Many sites to see and enjoy
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Is incredible

Es increíble

La vista es fascinante cuando vas caminando por el sendero pequeño y de pronto ves esa increíble construcción o tallado en el cerro mejor dicho.
The view is amazing when you walk along the small path and suddenly you see that incredible construction or carving on the hill.
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