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18 reviews of Powder Tower

The door of explosives was built in the...

La puerta de los explosivos se...

La puerta de los explosivos se construyó en el siglo XI, cuando la puerta formaba parte de las 13 entradas de la ciudad de Praga. Toda la ciudad estaba rodeada de murallas y las puertas contenían polvo explosivo para armar los cánones y combatir el enemigo. La puerta actual fue restaurada y modificada en el siglo XV por el rey Vladislav, para parecerse a la torre del puente más antiguo de la ciudad, el Puente Carlos. Al inicio, la torre se llamaba torre nueva, porque era la última torre construida, pero le cambiaron en nombre para el de Torre de los explosivos cuando se empezaron a almacenar a dentro. Ahora, es un museo, con una exposición sobre las torres de Praga. También se pueden subir las 186 gradas para llegar a los 44 metros de alto que tiene la torre, y admirar la vista sobre el casco antiguo y la ciudad vieja. La torre está bien integrada en un barrio que permanece bastante animado y muy comercial, con mucho paseo de gente. Lamentablemente, también hay mucho tráfico, y el barrio empieza a ser peatón después de esta puerta.
The door of explosives was built in the eleventh century, when the door was part of the 13 entrances to the city of Prague. The entire city was surrounded by walls and doors containing explosive powder to arm and fight the enemy canons. The current gate was restored and modified in the fifteenth century by King Vladislav, to resemble the tower oldest bridge in the city, the Charles Bridge. Initially, the new tower tower named because it was the last tower built, but they changed in name for the Tower of explosives when it began to store inside. Now it is a museum with an exhibition on the towers of Prague. You can also climb the 186 steps to reach the 44 meter high tower has, and admire the view over the old town and the old town. The tower is well integrated in a neighborhood that remains quite lively and very commercial, with lots of people walking. Unfortunately, too much traffic, and the neighborhood is becoming pedestrian after this gate.
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In the center of Prague, next to the...

En pleno centro de Praga y al lado de...

En pleno centro de Praga y al lado de la Casa Municipal, se encuentra la Torre de la Pólvora. Fué construída en el S.XV por el rey Vladislav II, que puso la primera piedra para su construcción. Por aquel entonces constituía una de las puertas de entrada de la ciudad situadas al este. Como su propio nombre indica, fue utilizada para almacenar pólvora durante el S.XVII. Su estructura fué seriamente dañada durante las guerras prusianas y sus ataques de 1757. Hoy puede visitarse y subir por ella para contemplar Praga desde lo alto. Está abierta todos los días de 10:00 a 18:00 horas.
In the center of Prague, next to the Municipal House, is the Powder Tower. It was built in the fifteenth century by King Vladislav II, who laid the foundation stone for its construction. At that time was one of the entrance gates of the city to the east. As its name suggests, was used to store gunpowder during the seventeenth century. Its structure was severely damaged during the Prussian wars and attacks of 1757. Today you can visit and climb it to see Prague from above. It is open every day from 10:00 to 18:00 hours.
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You can not miss it, making it an...

On ne peut pas la louper, ce qui en...

On ne peut pas la louper, ce qui en fait un excellent point de repère lorsqu'on découvre la ville pour la première fois. Sa couleur sombre contraste avec les couleurs plutôt pastels des maisons et monuments qui l'entourent. Lorsqu'on la voit, on aucun mal à se rendre compte de l'impression de puissance et de protection qu'elle devait dégager quand on devait la traversant du temps ou elle était encore l'une des portes de la ville.
You can not miss it, making it an excellent base repre when the town discovers for the first time. Its dark color contrasts with the colors rather pastel houses and monuments that surround it. When seen, it no trouble realizing the impression of power and protection she needed dgager when we were crossing the time or she was still one of the city gates.
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The Tower which adjoins the town hall...

Cette Tour qui jouxte la maison...

Cette Tour qui jouxte la maison communale est une des dernières debout parmi toutes celles qui constituaient les remparts de la vieille ville de Prague. Elle se visite et abrite une exposition sur son histoire. Elle doit son nom à son utilisation antérieure comme réserve à poudre. L'intérieur est sobre mais l'intêrêt principal consiste à monter sur les toits pour découvrir la ville de prague d'un coté peu habituel.
The Tower which adjoins the town hall is one of the past few feet from the ones that were the ramparts of the old town of Prague. She will visit and houses an exhibition about its history. Its name is its use as a reserve antrieure powder. The interior is simple but the main interest is climbing on roofs to discover the city of Prague from an unusual cost.
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The Tower or Powder Gate is one of the...

La Torre o Porta delle Polveri è uno ...

La Torre o Porta delle Polveri è uno degli accessi alla città di Praga. La sua antica struttura (risalente al 1500) è molto imponente, risaltata anche dal colore scuro che ha assunto nel tempo su cui risaltano i particolari dorati delle statue. Viene cosi chiamata perché qui venne depositata secoli fa la polvere da sparo. Si trova proprio al fianco della Casa Municipale.
The Tower or Powder Gate is one of the entrances to the city of Prague. Its ancient structure (dating from 1500) is very impressive, also emerged clearly from the dark color that has changed over time on which stand out the details of the golden statues. It is so called because here was deposited centuries ago, the gunpowder. It is located right next to the Municipal House.
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Former reserve powder, this tower...

Ancienne réserve à poudre, cette tour v...

Ancienne réserve à poudre, cette tour vous permet désormais de prendre de la hauteur et d'observer les toits de Prague. A l'intérieur une exposition vous expliquera l'histoire de cette tour (texte en français) et de sa place dans la ville. Au sommet, vous pourrez prendre de belles photos plongeantes de la capitale. Attention aux escaliers étroits, soyez prudent surtout en descendant. Comme la plupart des visites à Prague, le prix est raisonnable.
Former reserve powder, this tower allows you dsormais to get high and watch the rooftops of Prague. In the interior exhibition will explain the history of this tower (text in French) and its place in the city. At the top, you can take beautiful pictures of plunging the capital. Beware straits stairs, be careful especially downhill. Like most visits Prague, the price is reasonable.
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The tower Prague poudrire cost is the...

La tour poudrière de Prague située à co...

La tour poudrière de Prague située à coté de la maison municipale, est l'une des treize portes de fortifications médiévales de la vieille ville. En 1445, une nouvelle tour fut reconstruite pour le roi Vladislav II Jagellon, qui en posa d'ailleurs la première pierre. Cette tour n'avait pas comme fonction principale la défense, mais était plutôt un moyen d'ajouter au prestige du Palais Royal (aujourd'hui maison municipale). Le nom actuel de la tour lui vient de sa fonction de dépôt de poudre au XVIIIème siècle.
The tower Prague poudrire cost is the Municipal House, is one of the thirteen gates of Medieval fortifications of the old city. In 1445 a new tower was rebuilt to King Vladislav II Jagiello, who also laid the foundation stone. This tower had no defense as principal function, but rather was a way to add to the prestige of the Royal Palace (now Municipal House). The current name of the tower comes from its powder filing function to the eighteenth century.
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The Powder Tower Prague

La tour Poudriere de Prague

La tour poudrière est une des plus emblématiques tours de la ville de Prague. Édifiée a la base pour le roi Vladislav II, elle servit finalement a entreposer des réserves de poudres, d'où son nom. Si elle ressemble beaucoup a la tour du pont Charles, elle propose néanmoins un vue différente et complémentaire sur les toits de la ville.
The Powder Tower is one of the most iconic towers in the city of Prague. Has built the foundation for King Vladislav II, she finally has served reservations store powders, hence its name. If it looks a lot like the tower of the Charles Bridge, it nevertheless offers a different and complementary views of the city skyline.
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The door of gunpowder XI century, is...

La puerta de la pólvora del siglo XI, ...

La puerta de la pólvora del siglo XI, forma parte de las 13 entradas de la ciudad de Praga. Toda la ciudad estaba rodeada de murallas y puertas que que contenian pólvora para combatir al enemigo. La puerta ha sido restaurada y modificada en el siglo XV por el rey Vladislav, para parecerse a una torre del Puente Viejo de la ciudad, el Puente de Carlos. Originalmente, la torre llamada nueva torre, ya que cambió el nombre a la Torre de la Pólvora cuando comenzó a almacenar explosivos allí. Ahora es un museo con una exposición sobre las torres de Praga. También se pueden subir los 186 escalones para llegar a los 44m de altura donde hay una vista magnífica de la ciudad antigua y del centro histórico. La torre se construyó en un barrio de mucho ambiente y muy comercial. Por desgracia, hay mucho tráfico, y es únicamente la plaza antigua el único lugar del barrio que es peatonal.
The door of gunpowder XI century, is part of the 13 entrances to the city of Prague. The entire city was surrounded by walls and doors that contained gunpowder to fight the enemy. The door has been restored and modified in the fifteenth century by King Vladislav, to look like a tower of the city's Old Bridge, Charles Bridge. Originally, the tower called new tower, since renamed the Powder Tower when there began to store explosives. It is now a museum with an exhibition on the towers of Prague. You can also climb the 186 steps to reach 44m in height where there is a magnificent view of the Old City and the historic center. The tower was built in an area of ​​great atmosphere and very commercial. Unfortunately, there is heavy traffic, and only the old square is the only place in the neighborhood that is pedestrian.
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Powder Tower

Tower powder

Tower powder. Una de las puertas antiguas de la ciudad de Praga por donde entraban los carros con la pólvora
Tower powder. One of the old gates of the city of Prague where the cars came with gunpowder
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The good thing is that you can see everything on foot, since it is quite close to all the tourist spots

Lo bueno es que se puede ver todo a pié.

No me canso de decir que Praga es precioso,y la puerta de la pólvora es un lugar que hay que visitar si vas a Praga. Ya que está bastante cerca todos los puntos turísticos.
I never tire of saying that Prague is beautiful, and the gate of gunpowder is a place to visit if you go to Prague. The good thing is that you can see everything on foot, since it is quite close to all the tourist spots.
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Next to the Municipal House

Junto a la Casa Municipal

Imponente puerta que da entrada al casco antiguo de la ciudad de Praga.
Dupli 106359 and move single photo of 456501
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Large tower located in the center of the city

Gran torre situada en el centro de la ciudad

Tiene un color muy peculiar en contraste con los otros edificios contiguos.
Large tower located in the center of the city. It has a very peculiar color in contrast to the other adjoining buildings.
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