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26 reviews of The Christ of Otero

The first thing you see in Palencia


It’s the second highest statue of Jesus Christ in the world, after Cristo de Ipanema in Brasil. It’s one of the statues that I liked best in Palencia. It’s a symbol of the city, as it works like a compass or guide when you return from any trip outside the city. It’s the first thing you seen when heading towards Palencia.

The statue was built by Victorio Macho in 1931 and stands 20 meters tall.

At the feet of Christ the Saint Mary of Otero chapel is found. The entire complex including the statue and the Otero hill is 850 meters high.


Touching the heavens

From the top of Otero hill, at the feet of the massive Jesus Christ statue, you can see all of Palencia. It’s spectacular during the day, but even better at night, when the lights make everything that much more beautiful.

The symbol of Palencia

The symbol of Palencia. It’s the biggest statue after Brasil’s, measuring 30 meters. It’s located at the highest part of Palencia and can be seen from anywhere in the city.

The most beautiful day is when they throw bread and cheese for all the people in attendance. It happens on April 16th each year, during the festival of Saint Toribio.

All of those who visit are encouraged to eat bread and cheese. The statue of Christ is surrounded by parties, festivities, and markets on this holiday.

An afternoon in front of a giant

I’ll never forget when I was little and I went up to see the Christ of Otero statue. From the bottom of the hill it seems big, but once you’re at the top of the hill and still standing at his feet, you feel like an ant.

I think that the feeing I felt that day is something that every Palencian has felt and carries with them throughout their lives. It’s the symbol of our city, Palencia.

As a child my parents took me to...

De pequeño mis padres me llevaron a ...

De pequeño mis padres me llevaron a Palencia,y me hice una foto en las mismas uñas del Cristo,ahora todo esta mucho mejor.Han construido casas mas abajo.Al casarme hemos ido mi mujer y yo a Palencia muchas veces,porque ella es de allí.La verdad es que se vive muy tranquilo y el clima es ideal.No se si todo esto tiene que ver con el Cristo del Otero,pero es el símbolo de la ciudad. El mejor románico de Europa esta en el Norte de Palencia.Para los que no lo conocen,animaros porque es una maravilla.A mi todavía me falta mucho por ver,pero poco a poco iré llenando mi baso.Os animo a que lo lleneis vosotros también. Jordi
As a child my parents took me to Palencia, and I took a picture in the same nails of Christ, now everything is much more abajo.Al mejor.Han built homes have been married my wife and I to Palencia many times, because it is there.The truth is that life is really quiet and the weather is ideal.No know if this has to do with the Cristo del Otero, but it is the symbol of the city. The best Romanesque Europe is in North Palencia.Para those who do not know, because it's a maravilla.A encourage me I still have lots to see, but I will gradually filling my baso.Os encourage that you may be filled also. Jordi
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The Christ, is a neighborhood of...

El cristo, es un barrio de palencia con...

El cristo, es un barrio de palencia con un carácter especial, en sus orígenes un barrio pobre, hoy en día es un barrio residencial, apartado un poco del centro y con una tranquilidad digna de desear.
The Christ, is a neighborhood of Palencia with a special character, originally a poor neighborhood, today is a residential neighborhood, a bit of the center section with a quiet dignity and desirable.
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Incredible views of the city of Palencia from the Cristo del Otero

Vistas increíbles de la ciudad de Palencia desde el Cristo del Otero.

Vistas increíbles de la ciudad de Palencia desde el Cristo del Otero.
Incredible views of the city of Palencia from the Cristo del Otero
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stoning of bread and cheese pilgrimage SantoToribio

pedrea de pan y queso romeria de SantoToribio

se lanzan bolsas de pan y queso(4000) en la ladera del cerro del Otero a los pies del Cristo del mismo nombre desde un balconcito ,miles de personas se las disputan.Se conmemora una pedrea a Santo Toribio
bags of bread and cheese (4000) are released into the hillside of Otero at the feet of Christ of the same name from a balcony, the thousands of people disputan.Se commemorates a stoning to Santo Toribio
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At his feet

A sus pies

A los pies del Cristo la ciudad de Palencia.
At the foot of the city of Palencia Christ.
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Emblem of the city

Emblema de la ciudad

Cierto es que el monumento al Cristo del Otero es uno de los más singulares de toda Castilla y León. Merece una visita a su cerro para contemplar una magnífica vista panorámica de la ciudad de Palencia.
True, the monument to Cristo del Otero is one of the most unique of all Castile and Leon. Worth a visit to his hill to enjoy a magnificent panoramic view of the city of Palencia.
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Estar al pie de esta monumental estatua, es la única forma de sentir realmente, de lo que estamos hablando. Muy recomendable hacer una visita a esta maravilla. Ya me contareis, pero os aseguro que no os va a encantar y repetiréis algún día.
Being at the bottom of this monumental statue, is the only way to feel really, what we're talking about. Highly recommended to visit this wonder. Then tell me, but I assure you that you will love and will repeat someday.
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Impresionante estatua de 21 metros, del escultor palentino Victorio Macho. Cuando fuimos no se podía subir hasta el pie de la estatua, pero se podían visitar las tres salas de interpretación de la obra de Victorio Macho.
Impressive statue of 21 meters, by the Palacian sculptor Victorio Macho. When we went we could not climb to the foot of the statue, but we could visit the three rooms of interpretation of the work of Victorio Macho. Recommendable.
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Symbol of the city

Símbolo de la ciudad.

Segunda escultura más alta de España. Una de las mayores representaciones del Cristo más altas del mundo, cerca del de Brasil. Orgullo de los palentinos. Cuenta con un museo sobre su autor: Victorio Macho.
Symbol of the city. Second tallest sculpture in Spain. One of the highest representations of the Christ in the world, close to that of Brazil. Pride of the Palencians. It has a museum about its author: Victorio Macho.
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if you spend x this capital approach to see it from your feet

Si pasas por esta capital acércate a verlo desde sus pies.

Una espectacular escultura de Victorio macho en el otero de Palencia. Según cuentan el segundo Cristo mas grande del mundo después del Cristo redentor de Brasil. Hay una bonita panorámica de toda la ciudad y un pequeñito museo.
a spectacular sculpture of male victorium in the hillock of palencia ... according to the second largest ctisto in the world after the redeeming Christ of Brazil.if you spend x this capital approach to see it from your feet ... there is a beautiful panoramic view of all the city and a tiny museum
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It is undoubtedly the symbol of...

Cuenta con un museo en su interior.

Es sin duda el símbolo de Palencia y un monumento impresionante que domina el horizonte. El atardecer es el mejor momento para disfrutar de las vistas de la cuidad y su entorno.
It is undoubtedly the symbol of Palencia and an impressive monument that dominates the horizon. It has a museum inside. The sunset is the best time to enjoy the views of the city and its surroundings.
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