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Peter and Paul Cathedral

6:00 - 21:00
Opening Hours
6:00 - 21:00
6:00 - 21:00
6:00 - 21:00
6:00 - 21:00
6:00 - 21:00
6:00 - 21:00
6:00 - 21:00
Phone number

9 reviews of Peter and Paul Cathedral

The Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul

After just entering the cathedral, apart from the excitement I felt to finally see the Tsars' tombs, I thought of a ship from the eighteenth century: the high altar wall was like the stern, the steep spire was like the mast. From a closer view, I could see what it said in the books, and the fact that it is not unusual for the steeple of an Orthodox church to have a clock in the tower. The height of this tower, together with the golden angel figure, the patron of the city, is 122.5 meters. At that time, of course, it was the tallest building in Russia. Peter the fist bought the clock in Amsterdam for 45,000 rubles, which was a huge amount at that time.

The history of the clock is very interesting: In the mid-nineteenth it played "Glorious is Our Lord", in 1906 "God save the Czar", in 1952 the anthem of the Soviet Union until 2001, when it was repaired by Belgian and Dutch engineers ve gave it a different tune. But once inside, do not forget that out of respect, no one can sit down, not even the Czar himself, so there are no benches nor throne under the imperial canopy or the rest of the church. In front of it is the podium with wooden representations of the apostles Peter and Paul, accompanied by the four evangelists. It holds the best and largest collection of paintings from the time of Peter the First. In the back is the carved and gilded iconostasis, like a triumphal arch symbolizing the Russian victories in Northern wars. Looking around ourselves we could see that the temple is like a pantheon for all the Russian emperors. They all lie under the same white marble sarcophagi. And only the graves of Alexander II and his wife Maria Alexandrovna, née princessa of Hessen-Darmstadt, are made of the Ural jasper and rhodonite, carved by local stonemasons in gratitude for the abolition of the serfdom. To the left of the altar there is a small chapel, where a quartet of musicians interpreted a lovely exhibition of sacred Russian music in a capella.
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The Cathedral of the Tsars

La Cattedrale degli Zar

Al centro della fortezza di San Pietroburgo sorge la maestosa Cattedrale dei Santi Pietro e Paolo, caratterizzata dal sontuoso interno barocco e dalla torre campanaria con la classica guglia dorata alta ben 122 metri, che l’ha resa uno dei simboli cittadini. All’interno della chiesa si possono ammirare le tombe di quasi tutti gli zar che qui sono stati sepolti a partire da Pietro il Grande. Altari dorati, tombe bianche di marmo, dipinti preziosi e soffitti elaborati caratterizzano l’interno. Dal baldacchino tutt’ora visibile, gli zar assistevano alle funzioni. Per chi non fosse interessato alla visita delle altre attrazioni della fortezza, è possibile acquistare il biglietto di ingresso singolo per la Cattedrale (200 rubli).
At the center of the fortress of St. Petersburg lies the majestic Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, characterized by lavish baroque interior and the bell tower with the classic golden spire less than 122 meters high, which has made it one of the symbols of the city. Inside the church you can admire the tombs of almost all the czars that were buried here from Peter the Great. Gilded altars, tombs of white marble, precious paintings and elaborate ceilings characterize the interior. From the canopy still visible, the czars watch church functions. For those not interested in visiting the other attractions of the fort, you can buy a single ticket for the Cathedral (200 rubles).
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At the very heart of the city of Saint...

Au cœur-même de la ville de Saint P...

Au cœur-même de la ville de Saint Pétersbourg, au milieu de la forteresse Pierre-et-Paul brille la flèche dorée de la cathédrale qui porte le même nom. Pendant des siècles, son clocher de 122,5 mètres de hauteur avec la flèche et une statue d’un ange qui la couronne, était le sommet le plus haut de la ville. Il ne l’est plus depuis que la tour de télévision est construite. La silhouette de la cathédrale avec l’ensemble de la forteresse qui se profile sur le ciel est l’un des symboles de la ville. Venez visiter la cathédrale et peut être vous aurez la chance d’assister au concert de la sonnerie des cloches!
At the very heart of the city of Saint Petersburg, in the middle of the Fortress of Peter and Paul shines the golden spire of the cathedral of the same name. For centuries, the tower 122.5 meters tall with arrow and a statue of an angel that the crown was the highest peak in the city. There is more from the TV tower is built. The silhouette of the cathedral with all of the fortress looming in the sky is one of the symbols of the city. Visit the cathedral and maybe you'll have the chance to attend a concert of bells ringing!
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With over 64,000 inhabitants, the town...

Con mas de 64.000 habitantes, la...

Con mas de 64.000 habitantes, la población de Peterhof es muy conocida por sus preciosos palacios y sus fuentes, conocidas también como el Versalles ruso, alberga gran cantidad de palacetes y jardines, una mini ciudad construida por Pedro el Grande; pero esta población tiene también fuera de este recinto, una preciosa catedral, en tonos marrones y anaranjados, la encontramos de camino al palacio y es sin duda una preciosidad.
With over 64,000 inhabitants, the town of Peterhof is famous for its beautiful palaces and fountains, also known as the Russian Versailles, home to many palaces and gardens, a mini city built by Peter the Great, but this population has also out of this room, a beautiful cathedral, in brown and orange, we found our way to the palace and is certainly gorgeous.
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Excursions Fortress of St. Peter and Paul

Excursiones en la Fortaleza de San Pedro y Pablo

También es interesante en la Fortaleza: - El museo de la cárcel política más cruel de Rusia. - La capilla funeraria de los Grandes Principes y la exposición dedicada a la dinastía de los Romanos. - Dar un paseo por el territorio de la Fortaleza para ver la Casita de la Barca, la Casa de Moneda, monumento a Pedro el Grande, las puertas de Neva /o de muerte/. - Pasear por el muro de la Fortaleza para apreciar el panorama expléndido arquitectónico de
It is also interesting in Fortaleza: - The Museum of political jail ms cruel Russia. - The funeral chapel of the great princes and exhibition dedicated to the dynasty of the Romans. - Taking a walk through the territory of the fortress to see the Casita de la Barca, the Mint, a monument to Peter the Great, the doors of Neva / or death /. - Strolling through the wall of the fortress to appreciate the architectural panorama of explndido
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Very beautiful cathedral!

Très belle cathédrale !

Très belle cathédrale ! Jugez par vous même ! Il y a en plus d’autres bâtiments à visiter à côté !
Very beautiful cathedral! Judge by yourself ! There are more buildings to visit next door!
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The best sunsets!

¡Los mejores atardeceres!

Estuve en Peterhof (cerca de San Petersburgo, Rusia) en Junio. Y es la mejor época, porque con las llamadas "noches blancas" los atardeceres duran horas y horas. ¡El sueño de cualquier fotógrafo!
I was in Peterhof (near St. Petersburg, Russia) in June. And is the best time, because with so-called "white nights" sunsets will take hours and hours. The dream of any photographer!
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A must see

À voir absolument

À voir absolument : aux origines de la création de la ville.
Must see: at the origins of the creation of the city.
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The Isaakskatedrale is the largest and...

Die Isaakskatedrale ist die größte und c...

Die Isaakskatedrale ist die größte und charakteristischste Kirche Sankt Petersburg. Sie wurde von dem französischen Architekten Auguste Monteferrand entworfen. Die Arbeiten wurden von 1818 bis 1858 verlängert.
The Isaakskatedrale is the largest and most characteristic Sankt Petersburg. It was designed by the the french architect Auguste Monte Ferrand. The works were prolongs 1818-1858.
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Information about Peter and Paul Cathedral