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47 reviews of The Bean

The Bean

The truth is one will be fascinated when they prove the perfection that is this piece of work. Don´t rely on the people that say it is modern sculpture and that its not worth it to go see it, etc. It is incredible! How can one come to something so perfect in dimension? I have no idea, for that reason I will admire it so much. The views of the skyscrapers are spectacular, also. This stop should be included in whatever of the routes by Chicago.


Was nice...a lot tourists.


Symbol of the city


Symbol of the city for most of the people in Millennium park. You should check other ones also.

Amazing sculpture

This sculpture of a massive bubble/jelly bean amazed me and this is why i am sharing it here today.

Rainy night in Chicago

I love this place.






Fun for all people!



This sculpture was created by artist Anish Kapoor in Millennium Park, Chicago, The sculpture is shaped like an ellipse, and has the appearance of a drop of mercury upon approaching pause for reflection and you can take a picture of yourself.

It is probably the most photographed...

Seguramente sea la escultura más ...

Seguramente sea la escultura más fotografiada de Chicago. "Cloud Gate" o La Puerta de las Nubes es una gran escultura elíptica de 110 toneladas de peso, realizada con placas de acero inoxidable pulido que reflejan todo, como si de un espejo se tratase. Su particularidad es que tiene forma de habichuela (es apodada "the bean"), con un gran arco inferior cóncavo de 12 metros de altura que refleja el horizonte de la ciudad y las nubes, así como todo cuanto se pone delante (lo típico es ponerte frente a ella y sacarte fotos mientras ves tu propia imagen deformada). Se encuentra situada en el Millennium Park y es obra de la artista británica Anish Kapoor. Se inspiró en el mercurio líquido para realizarla.
It is probably the most photographed sculpture in Chicago. "Cloud Gate" or The Cloud Gate sculpture is a large elliptical weight of 110 tons, made of polished stainless steel plates that reflect everything as if it were a mirror. Its uniqueness is that bean-shaped (is nicknamed "The Bean"), with a large concave lower arch 12 meters high which reflects the city skyline and the clouds, and all that stands in front (which is typical put you out in front of her and photos while you watch your own distorted image). It is located in the Millennium Park and is the work of British artist Anish Kapoor. He was inspired by liquid mercury to make it.
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This contemporary was designed by...

Quest'opera contemporanea fu ideata...

Quest'opera contemporanea fu ideata dall'artista britannico Anish Kapoor e il nome originario era Cloud Gate, ribattezzata subito "the bean" per la forma che richiama il fagiolo. L'artista si è ispirato al mercurio per costruire questa enorme scultura in placche di acciaio inox che riflettono le immagini circostanti. E' possibile passarvi sotto per vedere la molteplicità dei nostri riflessi e la stupenda immagine che abbraccia tutto lo skyline dei grattacieli circostanti, specchiati su questa superficie levigata. Una sequenza di immagini anche allegoriche del mondo, di noi stessi e delle nostre molteplici forme, mescolando il tangibile con l'intangibile.
This contemporary was designed by British artist Anish Kapoor and the original name was Cloud Gate, now renamed "the bean" for the form that calls the bean. The artist was inspired by the mercury to build this huge sculpture of stainless steel plates that reflect the surrounding images. It 'can get under to see the diversity of our reflexes and superb image that spans the skyline of skyscrapers surrounding mirrored on this smooth surface. A sequence of images also allegorical of the world, of ourselves and of our many forms, mixing the tangible with the intangible.
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Chicago reflected in Judah

¡Chicago reflejado en una judía!

La Cloud Gate es una escultura pública del artista indo-británico Anish Kapoor, es la pieza central de la Plaza AT&T en el Millennium Park en Chicago, Illinois, Estados Unidos. Hecha con 168 placas de acero inoxidable soldados entre sí, mide 10m x 20m x 13m, y pesa 98 toneladas. Se la conoce como "The Bean" (la judía), por la forma que tiene. Dicen que se inspiraron en el mercurio líquido. La superficie de la escultura refleja y distorsiona el skyline de la ciudad, que es lo que hace a esta judía especial :)
The Cloud Gate is a public sculpture artist Anish Kapoor Indo-British, is the centerpiece of AT & T Plaza in Millennium Park in Chicago, Illinois, United States. Made with 168 stainless steel plates welded together, measuring 10m x 20m x 13m, and weighs 98 tons. It is known as "The Bean" (Jewish), the way it has. They say they were inspired by liquid mercury. The sculpture's surface reflects and distorts the city's skyline, which is what makes this special Jewish :)
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The reflection of Chicago

El reflejo de Chicago

Chicago es famosa por su arquitectura, pero desde que "the bean" hizo su aparición en la ciudad no hay turista que no lo incluya en su lista de imprescindibles a visitar. Reflejos, formas imposibles y muchas risas, las formas de la cromada "bean", por su forma de haba, puede dar rienda suelta a la imaginación de los fotógrafos. Es imposible ir a Chicago y pasarla por alto.
Chicago is famous for its architecture, but since "the bean" made its appearance on the city no tourist who does not include it in your list of must visit. Reflections, impossible shapes and laughter, the shapes of the chrome "bean" because of its bean-shaped, can unleash the imagination of photographers. It is impossible to go to Chicago and ignore.
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There's no way I can not visit

Não há como não visitar

Não há como não visitar e tirar aquela fogo icônica da cidade! Prepare-se pois o local é lotado então aparecerão muitos desconhecidos em suas selfies! Um dia de sol é o melhor dia para uma foto perfeita mas senão vá assim mesmo, você não irá se arrepender!
There is no way not to visit and take that iconic fire out of the city! Get ready because the place is crowded so lots of strangers will appear in your selfies! A sunny day is the best day for a perfect photo but otherwise go anyway, you will not regret it!
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Information about The Bean