famous for its architecture with white walls and terraces
The Argamasón is a hamlet which is situated in the Natural Park of Cabo de Gata-Nijar and is famous for its architecture with white walls and terraces. There is a watermill whose stones were moved by the waters of the river. The large clip seen in one of the photos is what they used to lift the grinding stones and go over the ends with a hammer and chisel and, by constant use, they were worn down. During a conversation I had with a longtime local resident whose house is situated on the edge of the mill, he told us that he does not want to leave the village because it is very peaceful. He told
Us that his entire working life he has travelled all over the countryside to sell the fruits of the land they cultivated, lying down to rest at one in the morning, after feeding animals and then up again at five o'clock to resume the tasks, from one day to the next.
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