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3 reviews of Targoviste

In the 16th Century, it was a famous arts and cultural center

Targoviste is a city that may seem a little dull and sad despite its prestigious past as Romanian capital and cultural center of the region between the years of 1385 and 1559 in Valachia. Thirty-three kings ruled what is now the heart of Romania. In the 16th Century, it was a famous arts and cultural center, which over saw the region's workers, painters, sculptors, such as Dobromir, to whom many churches owe their interior decor. Many of these churches bore witness to this past glory, such as Stelea, the main church of the city, open daily from 7am, whose construction is due to the Moldavian prince Vasile Lupu, and has an interior which is most magnificently decorated.

If you go on a tour of the city, you have to include the royal court, which also has a beautiful church that was built by the dynasty of the voilvoides, and was surrounded by a double wall to ensure their protection. The real church dates back to the year 1580. But apart from these gems, the city unfortunately features many ugly buildings that were built during the communist era. They are gray and huge, and unfortunately they make you forget its glorious past.
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Targoviste is a city that may seem grim...

Targoviste est une ville qui peut...

Targoviste est une ville qui peut paraître sinistre en dépit de son passé prestigieux, comme capitale et centre culturel de la Valachie entre 1385 et 1559. Trente trois souverains y ont régné sur ce qui allait être le cœur de la Roumanie actuelle. Au XVIème siècle, c´était un centre culturel et artistique majeur, qui fournit à la région bâtisseurs, sculpteurs et peintres, comme les Dobromir, à qui beaucoup d´églises doivent leur décor intérieur. Beaucoup de ses églises témoignent ainsi de cette gloire révolue, comme Stelea, l´église principale de la ville, ouverte tous les jours à partir de 7 heures, dont la construction est due au grand prince moldave Vasile Lupu, et l´intérieur est superbement décoré. Au programme de la visite, la cour princière, également dotée d´une belle église, elle a été construite par la dynastie des voïvodes, et était entourée d´une double rangée de remparts pour en assurer la protection. L´église princière date de 1580. Mais à part ces joyaux, la ville est malheureusement entachée d´horribles sculptures communiste et de gros immeubles gris, qui en font oublier son passé glorieux.
Targoviste is a city that may seem grim despite its glorious past as the capital and cultural center of Wallachia between 1385 and 1559. Thirty-three sovereigns ruled there on what would be the heart of present-day Romania. In the sixteenth century, it was a major cultural and artistic center, which provides the area builders, sculptors and painters, such as Dobromir in which many churches have their interior decor. Many churches and proof of this former glory as Stelea, the main church of the city, open daily from 7:00, whose construction is due to the large Moldavian prince Vasile Lupu, and the interior is beautifully decorated. The program of the visit, the princely court, also has a beautiful church, it was built by the dynasty of voivode and was surrounded by a double row of walls for protection. The Princely church dates from 1580. But apart from these gems, the city is unfortunately marred by ugly communist sculptures and large gray buildings, which make you forget its glorious past.
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Journey to the pass

Viaje al pasasdo

Entorno maravilloso basado en el pasado, carrozas con caballos, perros y cabras por las calles y...algún coche.
wonderful environment based on the past, floats with cababallos, dogs and goats in the streets and a car ........
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