[{"Comment":{"id":"1846992","total_score":"29","content":"The forum is a big building that is located across the street from General de Gaulle. It was there that was the most important tourist shops and shops. Now there are fewer shops and it is fluctuating but it is very nice that go. The forum will be spread over three levels, the first two have the shops. Downstairs, there is a garden in the middle because the building is a square with the roof open. It is an old building in the city to see.","title":"The forum is a big building that is...","hidden":0,"post_time":"2010-07-28 09:21:50","lang_flag":"fr","original_content":"Le forum est un gros b\u00e2timent que l\u2019on trouve dans la rue du g\u00e9n\u00e9ral de gaulle. C\u2019\u00e9tait l\u00e0 que se trouvait les commerces les plus importants ainsi que les magasins touristiques. Maintenant il y a moins de boutiques et celle-ci sont fluctuantes mais c\u2019est tr\u00e8s agr\u00e9able que d\u2019y aller. Le forum s\u2019\u00e9tend sur trois niveaux dont les deux premiers comptent des commerces. Au rez de chauss\u00e9e, il y a un jardin au milieu car le b\u00e2timent forme un carr\u00e9 avec le toit ouvert. C\u2019est un vieux b\u00e2timent de la ville, \u00e0 voir. ","original_title":"Le forum est un gros b\u00e2timent que l\u2019on tr..."},"User":{"id":"5068888","name":"Adeline B","username":"opheliebrodelle","has_avatar":"1","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/5068888_80x80.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"7374696","hashcode":"b003597c1fd1a9d9a618a2f99cd8b38c","post_time":"2010-07-28 09:21:50","o_width":"2112","o_height":"2816","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7374697","hashcode":"21cc1dea552121760971e5e7c18dee69","post_time":"2010-07-28 09:21:50","o_width":"2816","o_height":"2112","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null},{"Comment":{"id":"1846993","total_score":"29","content":"Main galleries of Saint Gilles les Bains, the Forum offers a variety of specialty shops. Classic trade tourism products to stores craft toys, Kebab seller of comics, it is in these places that have established signs risk-takers by offering services and products that we were not customary on island in general. It seems that the sauce took some stores have expanded and have existed for over ten years.","title":"Main galleries of Saint Gilles les...","hidden":0,"post_time":"2010-11-18 10:15:29","lang_flag":"fr","original_content":"Galeries principales de Saint Gilles les bains, le Forum propose une multitude de boutiques sp\u00e9cialis\u00e9es. \r\n\r\nDu classique commerce de produits touristiques aux magasins de jouets artisanaux, du Kebab au vendeur de bandes-dessin\u00e9es, c\u2019est en ces lieux que se sont implant\u00e9es les enseignes preneuses de risques en proposant des services et produits dont on \u00e9tait peu coutumier sur l\u2019\u00eele en g\u00e9n\u00e9ral. \r\nIl semble que la sauce a pris, quelques magasins se sont agrandis et existent depuis plus de dix ans. ","original_title":"Galeries principales de Saint Gilles..."},"User":{"id":"5054201","name":"Antoine D'Audigier","username":"antoinedaudigier","has_avatar":"1","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/5054201_80x80.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"7393306","hashcode":"f049a7d8c5751531d0161d59982e5190","post_time":"2010-11-18 10:15:29","o_width":"800","o_height":"536","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7393307","hashcode":"c80e6e1b3282e1a0574a54c52f428457","post_time":"2010-11-18 10:15:29","o_width":"800","o_height":"536","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null}]