Sucre, the white city, is the...
Sucre, the white city, is the constitutional capital of Bolivia. It is one of the most beautiful cities in South America, and certainly the most beautiful of Bolivia. It is covered in white houses and a central park that is shaded with palms overhead. There is a cathedral around the park, and this cathedral is a gem, with its white steeple. Its inside is very pretty too, and during services, there is a religious choir as well as several concerts throughout the year. Poems are painted on the walls of the park as a lovely detail. You come to admire the place and it also has a bit of culture, as its environment permeates through the poems of Bolivian artists.
On the other hand, it is the city council, with the Bolivian flag and the "unity is strength", the national motto. The center of the square displays a statue of the man that founded the city. A few blocks from the park is the French alliance that promotes Bolivian and French culture. It as a wide variety of events, in French and Spanish, such as cinema, exhibitions, and it also has a small cafe.
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