Stonehenge: a place of human sacrifices
Stonehenge is an old place quite famous in England. It is in the southeast, close to Salisbury, about 2 hours from London by car. You can also get there by train, and the other advantage is that with, prices for tickets start at 1 pound if you but them in advance. From Salisbury there is a bus that goes towards Stonehenge every hour during the day between 10h and 15h. The place has an estimated age of 4000 years, and the reason it was constrcuted is a mystery to this day. The stones come from up to 280 miles away! Some say that the place was used to make human sacrifices. To visit, or you can pay the $ 10 entry, and a little closer to the stones that if you stay off campus, but outside looks good, the 3 sides that form the triangular place, which is not much more than an English countryside with stones on top.