eXplorador Escocés
History really comes to life
Really this Palace is part of Stirling Castle, one of my favorite spots in town. After many years of extensive restoration work, it is finally open to the public and you can see a fascinating mixture of the ancient and the modern. With multimedia shows and actors in each room to illustrate how the palace was in its golden age (the sixteenth century), history really comes to life here. Everything has been rebuilt following the original manuscripts so that the original construction has been copied perfectly. We started in the living room and king's chambers, then went through the courtroom to finish in the wardrobes and queen's chamber.
And there's a media room with explanations and several exhibition halls. Unfortunately, the price of entry to the castle has risen, but it's a great place to visit. I recommend the book you can find in the gift shop, "Rebirth of a Palace: The Royal Court at Stirling Castle" by John G Harrison. I personally know the author, an independent historian who has spent his lifetime promoting the study of local history in Stirling. Thank you John for your tireless work!
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