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St. Paul´s Chapel

8 reviews of St. Paul´s Chapel

Opened in 1766, the St. Paul's Chapel...

Opened in 1766, the St. Paul's Chapel and St. Paul's Chapel is the oldest public building in continuous use in Manhattan. Positioned directly across from the World Trade Center, it served as a refuge for workers after 9/11. For eight months, hundreds of volunteers worked in 12 hour shifts, serving meals, making beds, assisting firefighters, working construction and aiding the police. Massage therapists, pediatricians, and musicians also volunteered. The Church survived without so much as a broken window. Some claim it was a miracle. Now, it's a commemorative place for victims and tourists. It's

Definitely a place worth visiting.
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Opened in 1766 and built by Thomas...

Abierta en el año 1766 y construida por ...

Abierta en el año 1766 y construida por Thomas McBean, ya en 1776 se salvó de su primera amenaza, un incendio que arrasó Manhattan y destruyó más de 500 estructuras. Frente a lo que antes era el World Trade Center, y hoy es una amplia explanada donde el ruido de excavadoras y camiones es incesante, se encuentra como un remanso de paz la que es la iglesia más antigua de Manhattan. En 2001, una vez más, permaneció intacta después de los atentados del 11-S.
Opened in 1766 and built by Thomas McBean, and in 1776 was saved from his first threat, a fire that swept through Manhattan and destroyed more than 500 structures. Contrary to what was once the World Trade Center, and today is a broad esplanade where noise is incessant excavators and trucks, is found as a haven of peace which is the oldest church in Manhattan. In 2001, once again, remained intact after the attacks of 11-S.
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The most old public building NYC

Il più vecchio edificio pubblico di NYC

La Cappella di San Paolo è una chiesetta episcopale che si trova nella Lower Manhattan, proprio di fronte alla zona di [poi=361]Ground Zero[/poi]. A causa di varie vicende storiche è entrata nel mito, non ultima il fatto di essersi salvata a seguito dell'attacco terroristico e del crollo delle torri. La costruzione del tempio risale al 1764. Ad oggi rimane il più vecchio edificio pubblico ancora in uso di tutta la città! Nel 1776 riuscì a sopravvivere pure al grande incendio di New York e tornò protagonista nel 1789, quando George Washington vi si recò nel giorno del suo insediamento. Oggi la vista della cappella e del suo piccolo campo santo fa un po' di impressione, piccola e antica com'è, contorniata da tanti grattacieli.
The Chapel of Saint Paul is an Episcopal church located in Lower Manhattan, just across the area of ​​Ground Zero. Due to various historical events entered in myth, not least the fact that he saved as a result of the terrorist attack and the collapse of the towers. The construction of the temple dates back to 1764. To this day remains the oldest public building still in use all over the city! In 1776 he managed to survive even the Great Fire of New York in 1789 and returned protagonist, when George Washington went there on the day of his inauguration. Today the view of the chapel and its small graveyard is a bit 'of impression, small and ancient as it is, contorniata so many skyscrapers.
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The Soul of Manthatan

El Alma de Manthatan

Tras el atentado del 11 de septiembre, este lugar se ha convertido en lugar de homenaje a sus víctimas. Es escalofriante ver una iglesia convertida en un santuario , no vi ni altar. Estuvo entregada en cuerpo y alma a la ayuda de los atentados , dando información a las familias de los afectados y dando cobijo a los bomberos que participaron en el desescombro de la zona Zero.Al visitar esta iglesia te viene el horror que allí tuvieron que pasar.
After the attack of September 11, this place has become a place of tribute to its victims. It's creepy to see a church converted into a shrine, I saw no altar. He was given heart and soul to the aid of the attacks, giving information to the families of those affected and giving shelter to the firefighters who participated in the clearing of the area Zero.
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It was very exciting to be present...

Fue muy emocionante estar presente...

Fue muy emocionante estar presente durante la conmemoracion del Decimo Aniversario de los atentados del 11-S. Esta pequeña iglesia fue durante 9 meses tras los ataques, el refugio de los cientos de bomberos y voluntarios (más de 14.000) que participaron en las tareas de desescombro y rescate a las víctimas. Por otra parte, familiares de los desaparecidos llegaban hasta allí en busca de información o consuelo. Un consuelo que trataba de hacerse latente a través de las miles de personas que llenaron las rejas de alrededor de la iglesia de flores, mensajes, velas…Frente a lo que antes era el World Trade Center, y hoy es una amplia explanada donde el ruido de excavadoras y camiones es incesante, se encuentra como un remanso de paz la que es la iglesia más antigua de Manhattan. En 2001, una vez más, permaneció intacta después de los atentados del 11-S. En esta ocasión, cayeron un total de 7 edificios y muchos otros sufrieron importantes daños. Aún hoy, la capilla rinde homenaje a todos los que allí dejaron sus lágrimas, su esfuerzo, su apoyo y, cómo no, rinde homenaje a las víctimas.
It was very exciting to be present during the commemoration of the Tenth Anniversary of the 11-S. This small church was for 9 months after the attacks, the refuge of hundreds of firefighters and volunteers (more than 14,000) who participated in the debris removal and rescue victims. Moreover, relatives of the missing arrived there in search of information or comfort. A consolation was made dormant through the thousands of people who lined the railings around the church with flowers, messages, candles ... Facing what was once the World Trade Center, and today is a broad esplanade where noise excavator and trucks is relentless, is found as a haven of peace which is the oldest church in Manhattan. In 2001, once again, remained intact after the attacks of 11-S. On this occasion, fell a total of 7 buildings and many others were heavily damaged. Even today, the shrine honors all there left their tears, their efforts, their support and, of course, pays tribute to the victims.
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Definitely one of the most striking...

Sin duda, uno de los edificios más ...

Sin duda, uno de los edificios más llamativos del Campus de la Universidad de Columbia es la capilla de San Pablo, situada estratégica, y hay quien dice, misteriosamente al este del recinto, según los cánones que marcaban las directrices masónicas. En un principio la idea no era que se incluyera dentro de las estructuras universitarias, y se levantó simplemente como un lugar para el recuerdo de los padres de dos adineradas filántropas, las hermanas Phelps- Stokes. Fue su propio sobrino quien en 1904 levantó los muros del templo para acabarlo en 1907, un corto espacio de tiempo si tenemos en cuenta que en invierno resulta muy difícil trabajar el tipo de ladrillo y piedra con el que está hecho. Siguiendo un diseño absolutamente renacentista, los ladrillos rojos y la dúctil piedra caliza, combinados con el mármol blanco y amarillo parecen enmarcar y dar fuerza a la preciosa cúpula que cubre todo el recinto y que se cubre de precioso azulejo verde. La entrada está señalada por la frase Pro Ecclesia Dei ( Para la Iglesia de Dios) y un poco más adelante In Lumine Tuo Videbimus Lumen ( En tu Luz Veremos la Luz ) que claramente hace referencia a los principios de los códigos masones. Diversas esculturas nos muestran a los Apóstoles y profetas del Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento. Una vez dentro, las aparentemente desnudas paredes nos muestran detalles exquisitos de terracota, como racimos de uvas, higos, conchas de peregrino. Si miramos al suelo, veremos de qué intrincada manera se intercalan las piezas de mármol que lo forman y que recuerdan a las primeras iglesias cristianas que se conservan en el norte de Italia. Las vidrieras fueron cuidadosamente diseñadas y fabricadas para que no desentonaran con los colores de los azulejos y los ladrillos de suave color salmón. Reflejan escenas de las prédicas de San Pablo frente al Partenón de Atenas, en un guiño que sirve para recordar que esta zona de New York es conocida como 'La acrópolis'. Otras ventanas de menor tamaño recuerdan a famosos estudiantes de la Universidad de Columbia, así como los apellidos y escudos de armas de las grandes familias que contribuyeron con su dinero a la creación de la institución educativa. Aunque la riqueza de la decoración interior es considerable, con nobles maderas en el altar, el púlpito y el coro, el brillante bronce de los grandes candelabros y lámparas, un órgano que es considerado de los mejores y más elegantes de la ciudad, favorecido por la impresionante acústica de la iglesia, lo que más llama la atención se encuentra a un lado, de la nave principal. Se trata del Altar de la Paz de Nakashima. Una enorme pieza de madera tratada y semi esculpida, que recuerda a todos aquellos estudiantes y graduados de la Columbia que han muerto en las guerras en las que ha intervenido la nación. Recomiendo sentarse, al final de la visita, bajo la preciosa cúpula y disfrutar del silencio y la paz que parecen flotar en el ambiente.
Definitely one of the most striking buildings in the Campus of the University of Columbia is the chapel of San Pablo, strategically located, and some say mysteriously east of the site, according to the canons Masonic marking guidelines. Initially the idea was not to be included within university structures, and rose just as a place to the memory of the parents of two wealthy philanthropists, the Phelps-Stokes sisters. It was his own nephew who in 1904 lifted the temple walls to finish in 1907, a short time if we consider that in winter it is very difficult to get the type of brick and stone with which it is done. Following an absolutely Renaissance design, red bricks and ductile limestone, combined with white marble and yellow seem to frame and give strength to the beautiful dome that covers all areas and is covered with beautiful green tile. The entrance is marked by the phrase Pro Ecclesia Dei (For the Church of God) and a little later In Lumine Tuo Videbimus Lumen (In your light we see light) which clearly refers to the principles of the Masons codes. Various sculptures show us the apostles and prophets of the Old and New Testaments. Once inside, the seemingly bare walls show exquisite terracotta detailing, like bunches of grapes, figs, scallops. If we look down, we will see how intricately marble pieces that form it and reminiscent of the early Christian churches preserved in northern Italy are interspersed. The windows were carefully designed and constructed that will not look out the colors of the tiles and bricks soft salmon. Reflect scenes from the preaching of St. Paul in front of the Parthenon in Athens, in a nod that is a reminder that this area of ​​New York is known as 'The Acropolis'. Other smaller windows reminiscent of famous students of Columbia University, and the names and coats of arms of the great families who contributed their money to the creation of the educational institution. Although the richness of the interior decoration is considerable, with hardwoods at the altar, pulpit and choir, bright bronze of the great chandeliers and lamps, a body that is considered the best and most elegant in the city, favored by stunning acoustic of the church, what is striking is one side of the nave. This is the Altar of Peace Nakashima. A huge piece of treated wood and carved semi, reminiscent of all those students and Columbia graduates who have died in the wars in which the nation has intervened. I recommend sitting at the end of the visit, under the beautiful dome and enjoy the silence and peace that seem to float in the air.
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Situated on the famous Broadway Avenue,...

Située sur la célèbre avenue de Br...

Située sur la célèbre avenue de Broadway, qui traverse une bonne partie de la presqu'île de Manhattan du Nord Ouest au Sud Est, la chapelle Saint Paul est une église qui s'est tristement rendue célèbre. Implantée à quelques pas seulement du World Trade Center, elle a en effet été le refuge de nombreux blessés et autres familles de victimes lors des attentats du 11 septembre et abrite encore aujourd'hui des objets et messages de toutes sortes. C'est donc un lieu très touchant, qui est devenu depuis 2001 le symbole de la foi des américains contre les attaques terroristes.
Situated on the famous Broadway Avenue, which runs through much of the peninsula of Manhattan North West to South East, St. Paul's Chapel is a church that has sadly made famous. Located just steps from the World Trade Center, it was indeed the refuge of many injuries and other families of victims in the September 11 attacks and still houses objects and messages of all kinds. This is a very moving place, which since 2001 has become the symbol of the faith of Americans against terrorist attacks.
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Very beautiful temple

Muy bonito templo

Very beautiful temple
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