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São Jorge Castle

9:00 - 21:00
Opening Hours
9:00 - 21:00
9:00 - 21:00
9:00 - 21:00
9:00 - 21:00
9:00 - 21:00
9:00 - 21:00
+351 218 800 620
+351 218 800 620
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27.32 £
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172.63 £
108.94 £
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100.05 £
217.87 £

123 reviews of São Jorge Castle

St. George´s Castle is located on the ...

St. George´s Castle is located on the highest hill in Lisbon, Portugal. Inside, one can be transported to long-ago and medieval times while enjoying the excellent preservation of this important Portuguese monument. Also, we had the pleasure of hearing a fantastic concert performed by a guitarist ve played spontaneous works by Granados and some other Spanish composers. We also saw a panorama of the city through a periscope located in the highest tower of the castle.


On top of one of the hills


You can admire the city and the river from here. It’s available to get onboard the wall, the sights are amazing.



Me quede un día en Lisboa la perder el enlace con Dakar y aprovechando el tiempo visite el Castillo de San Jorge. Hacía años que no estab en Lisboa y poniendo al mal tiempo buena cara, me dispuse a visitarla. Este castillo era conocido antiguamente como el Castelo de Mouros. De encuentra en la colinamñas alta del lugar y tiene una vista impresionante sobre Lisboa y el río Tejo. Construido en el siglo V por los visigodos sufrio distintas reconstruciones, sobre todo después del terremoto de 1,755. Entre los siglos XII y XVI estubo ocupado por los reyes portugueses. Se puede llegar en tranvía o en autobús. Yo lo hice a pie desde la plaza del Comercio. Lo encontré muy bien conservado. Once torres, garitas, foso, patios. Es un placer pasear por sus almenas. Te sientes trasportado a otro mundo. No se puede ir a Lisboa sin visitarlo.
I stayed one day in Lisbon Dakar lose link and using the time visit the Castillo de San Jorge. He had not stab in Lisbon and putting on a brave face, I set out to visit her. This castle was once called the Castelo de Mouros. From high colinamñas located in the place and has a stunning view over Lisbon and the Tejo river. Built in the V century by the Visigoths suffered various reconstructions, especially after the earthquake of 1,755. Between the twelfth and sixteenth Was occupied by the Portuguese kings. It can be reached by tram or bus. I did walk from the Place du Commerce. I found very well preserved. Eleven towers, watchtowers, moat, patios. It is a pleasure to walk along the battlements. You feel transported to another world. You can not go to Lisbon without visiting.
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Castelo de Sao Jorge

Castelo de Sao Jorge

Il s'agit d'un très beau château avec une vue sur la ville et le fleuve depuis les différentes tours. En faisant le tour du château on a presque un vue 360° sur Lisbonne et ses alentours. On peut aussi y voir un magnifique coucher de soleil avec un vue sur le Tage et le pont du 25 Avril. Indispensable si vous allez à Lisbonne !
It is a beautiful castle with a view of the city and the river from the different towers. Walking around the castle was almost a 360 ° view over Lisbon and its surroundings. We can also see a beautiful sunset with a view of the Tagus River and the bridge April 25. Essential if you go to Lisbon!
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The Castelo Sao Jorge is an essential...

Le Castelo Sao Jorge est une visite...

Le Castelo Sao Jorge est une visite incontournable de Lisbonne, autant pour le bâtiment en lui même que pour la vue que l'on a du haut du château. On accède au château par le quartier de l'Alfama. Le château se trouve sur la colline Sao Jorge, il faut monter... Les courageux iront à pieds, les fainéants prendront le bus no 37 ou le tram no 28 (conseillé pour le côté pittoresque du trajet!) Comme Lisbonne, le château a connu différents propriétaires, la colline étant un point de contrôle idéal sur la ville, il était la plupart du temps habitation royale ou quartier général. L'édifice a aussi régulièrement servi de prison. A l'intérieur , on accède à une salle d'exposition, une salle multimédia qui propose une vision différente de la ville. A l'extérieur, on peut parcourir les contours du château tout en admirant la superbe vue sur Lisbonne et le Tage. Profitez de l'occasion pour vous balader dans le charmant quartier de l'Alfama, en bas du château, c'est un des quartiers les plus pittoresque de la ville.
The Castelo Sao Jorge is an essential visit to Lisbon, both for the building itself for the view that it was the top of the castle. Access to the castle by the Alfama district. The castle is located on the hill Sao Jorge, it climbs hard ... The brave go to feet, lazy take the bus No. 37 or No. 28 tram (recommended for the picturesque side of the path!) Since Lisbon, the castle has undergone various owners, the hill is a great control over the city, it was mostly royal residence or headquarters. The building was also used regularly in prison. Inside, you can access a showroom, a media room which offers a different view of the city. Outside, you can browse the contours of the castle while enjoying superb views over Lisbon and the Tagus. Take the opportunity to stroll around the charming Alfama district, below the castle is one of the most picturesque areas of the city.
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National Monument

Monument national

Les remparts du Castelo de Sao Jorge domine l'Alfama et est visible depuis tous les panoramas de la ville. Située sur une colline, cette forteresse arabe construite au XIème sicèle est l'héritage type de la ville et montre l'influence architecturale que Lisbonne a vécu. On peut entrer le chateau fort et se promener sur les remparts, en admirant la vue magnifique à 360° sur la ville. On se promène dans le jardin romantique, on se repose à l'ombre des arbres sur les bancs de pierre. On visite le site archéologique et le musée avec les vestiges mis à jour depuis l'âge de fer. Et bien sur on prend le temps de regarder le paysage éblouissant qui s'étend tout autour du château. Une visite à faire.
The ramparts of the Castelo de Sao Jorge dominates the Alfama and is visible from all views of the city. Situated on a hill, the Arab fortress built in the eleventh sicèle is the legacy type the city and shows the architectural influence Lisbon lived. You can enter the strong castle and walk on the ramparts, enjoying the magnificent 360-degree view of the city. We walk in the romantic garden, it sits in the shade of trees on the stone benches. We visit the archaeological site and museum with relics updated since the Iron Age. And of course we take the time to watch the stunning scenery which extends all around the castle. A visit to.
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They are actually the ruins (well...

En realidad son las ruinas (muy bien...

En realidad son las ruinas (muy bien conservadas) de un antiguo castillo que se sitúa en la colina de San Jorge, la colina más alta de Lisboa, el castillo original era del siglo X-XI. Al estar situado en esta colina ofrece una de las vistas mejores de Lisboa. El recinto tiene aproximadamente 6000 m². El recinto del Castillo tiene varios patios con jardines, entre la "fauna" del castillo destacan los pavos reales, sobre todo están al lado de la cafetería, sitio casi de obligada visita para hacer un descanso sobre todo si has llegado hasta el castillo andando, hay muchísimos.
They are actually the ruins (well preserved) ancient castle that sits on the hill of San Jorge, the highest hill in Lisbon, the original castle was X-XI century. Being situated in this hill offers one of the best views of Lisbon. The site has approximately 6,000 sqm. The castle grounds have several courtyards with gardens, between the "fauna" of the castle include peacocks, are mostly beside the cafeteria, almost a must visit site for a break especially if you've come to the castle walk, there are many.
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A fortress in the heart of the city

Uma fortaleza no coração da cidade

Uma fortaleza no coração da cidade. Cheio de historio, o Castelo de São Jorge é mais um típico passeio que vale totalmente a visita e, como vários lugares em Lisboa, é mais um ponto onde a vista da cidade deixa qualquer um de queixo caído. Para quem gosta de história é um prato cheio. A entrada custa um valor de 8€ ou 5€ para estudantes. No meu caso levei uma carteirinha de estudante internacional. Para chegar até o Castelo tem a opção de ir com carros de turismo ou o famoso bondinho. Eu particularmente fui até o local à pé, é muito próximo do centro de Lisboa e toda passei à pé já é uma grande aventura. Aliás, na ida à pé é possível visitar uma antiga cidade em ruína que servia de espetáculo de lutas, segundo os moradores.
A fortress in the heart of the city. Full of history, the Castle of São Jorge is more a typical tour that is worth the visit and, like several places in Lisbon, is another point where the view of the city leaves any one of jaw dropped. For those who like history it"s a full plate. Admission costs € 8 or € 5 for students. In my case I took an international student card. To get to the Castle you have the option to go with tourist cars or the famous cable car. I particularly went to the place on foot, it is very close to the center of Lisbon and all I went on foot is already a great adventure. By the way, on foot, you can visit an old ruined city that served as a show of fights, according to the residents.
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Chateau Saint Georges

Chateau Saint Georges

Situé dans la partie Est de la capitale portugaise, le château St Georges domine quasi intégralement la ville. Édifié au départ au IIème siècle avant JC, il a été maintes fois détruit et reconstruit avant de connaître son architecture actuelle. Ses remparts fortifiés sont composés de 12 portes et de 18 tours surplombant les enceintes armées du lieu. De quoi décourager les assaillants même les plus féroces ! La visite se révèle agréable et instructive, et l’on prend plaisir à découvrir notamment les jardins ombragés du château, havre de paix et de fraîcheur dans cette capitale bouillonnante.
Located in the eastern part of the Portuguese capital, St Georges Castle dominates the city almost entirely. Built starting in the second century BC, it was destroyed and rebuilt many times before knowing its current architecture. Its fortified walls are composed of 12 gates and 18 towers overlooking the armed speakers instead. Enough to discourage the most ferocious attackers even! The visit proves pleasant and informative, and we take pleasure in discovering such shady gardens of the castle, haven of peace and freshness in this bustling capital.
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A truly impressive castle Sao Jorge in Lisbon!

Un posto veramente suggestivo il castello di Sao Jorge di Lisbona !

Entrando si nota subito la sua accoglienza... Calma, rilassante ma allo stesso tempo coinvolgente . La passeggiata sui merletti delle sue mura offre una vista a 360' sulla capitale portoghese , i suoi vicoli uno spazio fresco e che richiama la vita del periodi, con un po' di fortuna si può assistere anche alla visione della" camera oscura" di cui non vi svelerò le capacità ! Scalinate strette e ardue permettono di osservare anche gli angoli più estremi della fortezza . Consiglio vivamente a tutto di visitarlo aggiungendo così un po' di pepe alla loro vacanza stando attenti a non essere beccati dai molti pavoni presenti Buon viaggio !!!
Upon entering you immediately notice its reception ... Quiet, relaxing but at the same time engaging. The walk on the laces of its walls offers a 360 'on the Portuguese capital, its narrow streets and cool a space that recalls the life of the times, with a little' luck you can also attend to the vision of the "dark room" of which do not reveal the capabilities! Narrow stairways and arduous allow you to see even the most extreme corners of the fortress. I highly recommend everyone to visit it so adding a little 'spice to their vacation being careful not to be caught by the many peacocks present a good trip!
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Of the best parts of Lisbon

De las mejores partes de Lisboa

Llegamos con el tranvía 28 hasta el mirador de Santa Lucia. Nos costó encontrar la entrada al Castelo de Sao Jorge, pero finalmente lo encontramos… (no creo que sea tan complicado, más bien nos liamos con el mapa), la entrada está en la Rua do Chao da Feira (porta de Sao Jorge). El castillo fue prisión, teatro y almacén de armas; actualmente su plato fuerte (según mi opinión) es que cuenta con una de las mejores vistas de Lisboa desde sus murallas, y pasear por sus almenas te transporta a otra época. El precio para estudiantes: 4€ (sin reducir 7€).
We arrived by tram 28 to the viewpoint of Santa Lucia. We struggled to find the entrance to the Castelo de Sao Jorge, but finally found it ... (do not think it's that complicated, well we hooked up with map), the entrance is on the Rua do Chão da Feira (holder of Sao Jorge). The castle was prison, theater and store weapons, now your main course (in my opinion) is that it has one of the best views of Lisbon from its walls, its battlements and walk you back to another era. Student price: € 4 (unreduced € 7).
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The Castillo de San Jorge is located in...

El castillo de san Jorge se encuentra...

El castillo de san Jorge se encuentra en la capital de Portugal, Lisboa. La visita cuesta unos 5 euros, pero merece la pena porque pasas una tarde/mañana por esos 5 euros. Para llegar andando desde la plaza del comerço tiene un buen paseo, pero también se aprovecha para ver las calles del centro histórico. Muy recomendable. El castillo de san Jorge es uno de los mayores atractivos turísticos de Lisboa. Por 5 euros podemos pasar un buen rato con unas vistas fantásticas de la ciudad. Además tiene un museo con restos arqueológicos.
The Castillo de San Jorge is located in the capital of Portugal, Lisbon. The visit costs about 5 euros, but worth it because you spend an afternoon / morning for those 5 euros. To stroll from Comerco Square has a good walk, but also takes the opportunity to see the streets of the historic center. Highly recommended. The Castle of St. George is one of the greatest tourist attractions of Lisbon. For 5 euros we can have some fun with a fantastic view of the city. It also has a museum with archaeological remains.
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It is located on the hill of the same...

Se encuentra en la colina del mismo...

Se encuentra en la colina del mismo nombre y proporciona una de las más bellas vistas de la ciudad. El recinto cuenta con unos 6000 m², y se puede subir a las torres y pasear alrededor de las murallas del castillo. Dentro viven bastantes gatos y se puede encontrar a algún músico tocando. Merece la pena visitarlo y sobre todo por las vistas...
It is located on the hill of the same name and provides one of the most beautiful views of the city. The site has about 6,000 m², and can climb the towers and walk around the castle walls. In many cats live and you can find some musician playing. Worth the visit and especially for the view ...
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Good views over Lisbon and the Tagus estuary

Buenas vistas sobre Lisboa y el estuario del Tajo

De visita obligada si venís a Lisboa. En las guías recomiendan coger el tranvía 28 para subir al Castillo; pues bien, no lo hagáis porque suele haber bastante cola, vais a ir como sardinas en lata y además no llega al Castillo! Para subir y bajar preguntar por un ascensor gratuito que hay al lado de un supermercado. El Castillo de San Jorge son unas ruinas del Castillos dos Mouros que existió en el colina de San Jorge, de ahí su nombre actual. Tiene una de las vistas más bellas sobre la ciudad y sobre el estuario del río Tajo.
Must if vens to Lisbon. In the guides recommend taking the tram 28 to climb to the Castle; Well, not Hagis because there is usually quite a queue, you are going to go like sardines and in addition does not reach the Castle! Up and down asking for a free lift next door to a supermarket. The Castillo de San Jorge are the ruins of Castle dos Mouros that existi in San Jorge hill, hence its present name. It has one of the most beautiful views over the city and the estuary of the River Tagus.
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De vários pontos da cidade de Lisboa vê-se o castelo de S.Jorge, imponente, a sair de uma mancha branca de casas que o rodeiam. Apesar de datar desde antes de 1100 sofreu com todos os terramotos e só recentemente foi restaurado e ficou como está no presente. A subida da baixo, junto ao estuário do tejo, até ao castelo custa, mas é o que Lisboa tem de mais bonito, e depois pode-se sempre passar a tarde pedido no bairro do castelo, por entre casas forradas de azuleijo, cores, roupas estendidas, ruelas e vistas de cair para o lado!
From several points of Lisbon sees the castle S.Jorge, imposing, leaving a smudge of white houses surrounding it. Although dating from before 1100 suffered from all earthquakes and has only recently been restored and became as it is at present. The rise of low, near the estuary of the Tagus, to the castle costs, but Lisbon is what is most beautiful, and then you can always spend the afternoon at the request of the castle district, between houses lined Tile, colors, extended clothes, streets and sights of fall to the side!
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