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1 review of Spynie Palace

A wonderful place to visit


Spynie Palace was built in the twelfth century (by Bishop Brice) and served as the official residence of the bishops of Moray. Prior to this Palace, they had a house next to the Elgin Cathedral, but it was obviously too small for them to stay in. It was built in a strategic location to make it easy to defend and was on the shores of Lake Sypinie. This lake accessible from the sea with commercial and passenger vessels. Along with the castle of St. Andrews, this is one of the most important residences of bishops in the history of Scotland.

However, the oldest part of the castle did not survive and what remains was built in the fourteenth and fifteenth century. The building emphasizes the great tower built by Bishop David Stewart. This tower would later become the main and largest building of the palace. The sixteenth-century Reformation Religious resulted in its abandonement in 1689. Its current state of disrepair is due to the lack of care of the building.

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