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Snorkeling in Bora Bora

4 reviews of Snorkeling in Bora Bora

Snorkeling in Bora Bora

Fare snorkeling a Bora Bora

E' stata una bellissima esperienza quella di poter fare Snorkeling nelle bellissime acque della laguna di Bora Bora, in compagnia di Squali, Tartarughe marine e Razze in un mare azzurro turchese . Dovete assolutamente essere muniti di macchina fotografica subacquea per poter immortalare il mondo sottomarino e saranno per voi magnifici ricordi da far vedere al vostro rientro a casa....Ora aggiungo un po di mie fotografie e Buona Visione.
It 'was a great experience to be able to do snorkeling in the beautiful waters of the lagoon of Bora Bora, in the company of sharks, turtles and rays in a blue sea. You absolutely have to be equipped with underwater camera to capture the underwater world and will be for you wonderful memories to show on your return home .... Now add a little of my photographs and Good Vision.
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Boat Tour Bora Bora lagoon, swimming with sharks and rays.

Tour en bateau du lagon de Bora Bora, nage avec les requins et les raies.

Aucun passage à Bora Bora n’est possible sans un tour en bateau du mythique lagon. Me voilà embarquée sur un gros bateau du guide Lagoonarium avec une trentaine de touristes principalement en lune de miel : américains, japonais, français, italiens, mexicains… Les tahitiens qui font la visite jouent du ukulélé pendant le trajet, chantent des chansons locales et racontent l’histoire de l’île. L’excursion dure ½ journée ou la journée entière et comprend le tour de l’île en bateau, un stop à un spot de snorkeling pour nager avec les petits requins pointe blanche, les raies grises et les poissons. Les requins sont nourris avant que les touristes ne puissent nager avec, technique quelque peu discutable…
No in Bora Bora is possible without a boat ride of the legendary lagoon. Here I am on board a large boat with a guide lagoonarium thirty tourists mainly honeymoon: American, Japanese, French, Italian, Mexican ... Tahitians who visit play the ukulele while driving, singing local songs and tell the history of the island. The tour lasts half day or full day and includes a tour of the island by boat, a stop at a spot of snorkeling swim with small white tip sharks, gray rays and fish. Sharks are fed before that tourists can not swim with somewhat questionable technique ...
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Obligatory to make unforgettable moment...

Obligatoirement à faire moment inoubliable

Passer dans la barrière de corail avec des requins qui n'a juste à côté de vous je pense qu'on ne voit pas partout surtout dans une eau chaude avec des couleurs magnifiques.
Obligatory to make unforgettable moment pass in the coral reef with sharks that just beside you I think you do not see everywhere especially in hot water with gorgeous colors
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The dives for all those who fall in...

¡Un sueño hecho realidad!

Las inmersiones para todo aquel que se enamoró del buceo no tienen desperdicio, en sus aguas cálidas vas a ver todo tipo de peces, colores, corales rojos, violetas, verdes, azules, blancos. ¡Una fiesta de color para tus ojos! La cantidad de peces a veces no te permite avanzar.
The dives for all those who fall in love with diving are not wasteful, in their warm waters you will see all kinds of fish, colors, red corals, violets, greens, blues, whites! A colorful party for your eyes !! The amount of fish sometimes does not allow you to move forward! A dream come true!
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Information about Snorkeling in Bora Bora