This road, indicated with blue signs, is only 8 km long is difficult to walk as it has an altitude of nearly 600 meters. Usually, an average hiker can walk 100 meters per hour, therefore it would take around 6 hours to climb. The starting point of this trail is also the center of the village of Skrebatno, towards the direction of the mountain of Belo Orle, almost 1200 meters high. There you can see wonderful views over the region of Lake Ohrid and the town below. You are warned, there is nothing on the way to eat and nothing more than streams with fresh water to drink. You then follow a rockier path to the monastery of St Naum.
Not to be confused with the church of the same name, one of the jewels of Ohrid, which is about 20 km away from here. Going down, you reach the village of Leskoec which has two parts, the old and the new and there you can see the lovely church of St Nicholas and some XV century frescoes. The new village of Leskoec is around 3 km from Ohrid, if you still have the strength to walk there!
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