Adventure in a town off the bus stop
I was traveling to Leh, I was on the bus for day and a half , but such was the beauty of this place that I decided to get off the bus and sleep here. Then it was not so easy, since the only place to stay costed more than 10 euros, something unthinkable after spending many months in India. I took the chance to see a bit of the waterfalls that are in this small village, with a fall of more than 100m., The grand and powerful river that crossed and kindness of the people that at the time gave me water and food, and with hand signals they told me that the next bus would not come until 2 days later.
This, though at first was a blow, then it became a new adventure, and I decided to hitchhike, until a couple of middle-aged men decided to pick me up with their car and raced to the bus stop, which had left an hour before.
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