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Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Botanical Garden

14 reviews of Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Botanical Garden


The Botanical Garden Mauritius is an absolutely awesome place where you can enjoy trees from all over the world. You'll Like the giant water lilies, they're really unique. I totally recommend it.

Sir Seewoosagur Ramgolam Botanical Garden

In Mauritius there is a large, beautiful botanical garden where you can spend a morning or an afternoon - if the weather is good - walking around and seeing the different trees and flowers situated there and reading the accompanying information. They also have a small space where you can see turtles, deer and goats. The price is 100 Rps per person / 2,50 €.

Really great place to be. Highland recommended.


We drove to Pamplemousses botanical garden by car. There were not enough road signs to show the direction. The entrance fee is two hundred rupees per person.

There are free parking at the exit of the park. But no road sign pointing to it. So you will perhaps meet guys ve charge you at/ near the gate to park cross the entrance , making extra bucks, as we encountered.

Marvelous place to be!

Botanical Garden Sir Seewoosagur Ramgolam

Jardín Botánico Sir Seewoosagur Ramgolam

Pues por dejarlo hasta último momento casi nos vamos sin verlo, y era uno de los puntos más importantes, para mí, del viaje, ya que desde pequeño tenía la imagen de una fotografía que ví de los años 50 con una señora poniendo a su hijo sobre una de las hojas de la Victoria Regia para demostrar la capacidad de las hojas de este nenúfar gigante. Así que a última hora de la tarde del último día nos acercamos hasta allí. El jardín botánico de Pamplemousses debe su belleza y existencia a Mahé de La Bourdonnais, gobernador de la Isla de Francia (antiguo nombre de isla Mauricio). Sin embargo si este jardín tropical de 26 hectáreas es hoy un jardín tan vasto y rico, es gracias al trabajo del botánico Pierre Poivre, del siglo XVIII. El nombre exacto del jardín botánico de Pamplemousses es "Jardin Botanique Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam" en honor al padre de la nación de Mauricio y cuyo nombre lo llevan el aeropuerto, escuelas, hospitales y hasta bebidas. Este jardín es conocido en todo el mundo gracias a su prestigiosa colección de plantas autóctonas y exóticas con mas de 600 especies vegetales, entre ellas especímenes raros, árboles frutales y especias... Se puede descubrir especies florales como la ninfa gigante del Amazonas, el loto, el bambú dorado, el ébano, la teka, la caña de azúcar y un baniano que tiene doscientos años. Cuenta con una variedad también de 80 palmeras, de las cuales la más celebre, el Talipot (Corypha umbraculifera) , con hojas de 3,50 cms de diámetro, florece una sola vez, a sus 60 años, antes de morir. Pero sin duda la estrella es la Victoria Regia en su estanque en medio del jardín. Se caracteriza por tener grandes hojas circulares de hasta 1 metro de diámetro que flota sobre la superficie del agua sobre tallos sumergidos que alcanzan 7 a 8 m de largo. Pueden soportar hasta 40 kilos si el peso se encuentra bien distribuido en su superficie. La flor, que mide hasta 40 cm de diámetro, se abre al anochecer (a partir de las seis de la tarde), exhala una fragancia parecida al albaricoque, llamada por los europeos de "rosa lacustre" y se mantiene abierta hasta aproximadamente las nueve de la mañana del día siguiente para volver a abrirse la noche siguiente. Uno de los alicientes del jardín es la multitud de senderos que lo recorren, como la avenida Poivre, rodeada de la famosa Palmera Real, también podemos admirar el castillo de Mon Plaisir, la tumba de Sir Seewoosagur Ramgolam, primer presidente del estado independiente de Mauricio después de 150 años de ocupación inglesa o disfrutar del parque de los ciervos y del cercado de las tortugas, que se encuentra a la derecha de la entrada. Me faltó un poquito más de tiempo para disfrutar de un jardín al que estaba llegando la primavera..
Well leave it until the last moment by almost we go without seeing him, and was one of the most important, for me, the trip, and since childhood had the image of a photograph of the 50s saw a lady putting her son on one of the leaves of the Victoria Regia to demonstrate the ability of the leaves of the giant water lily. So late in the afternoon of the last day we get up there. Pamplemousses Botanical Garden owes its existence to beauty and Mahé de La Bourdonnais, governor of the Ile de France (Mauritius old name). However if this 26-hectare tropical garden is a garden now so vast and rich, is thanks to the work of botanist Pierre Poivre, XVIII century. The exact name is Pamplemousses Botanical Garden "Jardin Botanique Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam" in honor of the father of the nation of Mauritius and whose name they take the airport, schools, hospitals and even drinks. This garden is known throughout the world for its prestigious collection of native and exotic plants with more than 600 plant species, including rare specimens, fruit trees and spices ... You can find floral species as the giant Amazonian nymph, lotus, golden bamboo, ebony, teak, cane sugar and a banyan tree that has two hundred years. Also has a variety of 80 palm trees, of which the most famous, the Talipot (Corypha umbraculifera), with leaves of 3.50 cm diameter, blooms only once, at 60, before he died. But undoubtedly the star is the Victoria Regia in your pond in the garden. It is characterized by large circular leaves up to 1 meter in diameter that floats on the water surface on submerged stems reaching 7-8 m long. Can support up to 40 kilos if the weight is evenly distributed on the surface. The flower, which measures up to 40 cm in diameter, opens at dusk (from six in the evening), exhales a fragrance similar to apricot, called by the Europeans of "pink lake" and stays open until about nine the next morning to re-open the next night. One of the attractions of the garden is the multitude of trails that run through, as Poivre Avenue, surrounded by the famous Royal Palm, we can admire the castle of Mon Plaisir, the tomb of Sir Seewoosagur Ramgolam, first president of the independent state of Mauritius after 150 years of British occupation or enjoy the deer park and the fence of the turtles, which lies to the right of the entrance. I missed a little more time to enjoy a garden that spring was coming ..
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Botanical Gardens of Pamplemousses

Giardini Botanici di Pamplemousses

Questi bellissimi giardini si trovano nella parte nord dell’Isola. L’ingresso è libero, se invece gradite essere accompagnati, vi consiglio vivamente di affidarvi ad una delle guide (in inglese) che accompagna piccoli gruppi spiegando le tante varietà di pianta che vi si trovano: in questo modo non correte il rischio di non notare specie interessanti! I giardini botanici sono un’attrazione molto famosa delle Mauritius: potrete ammirare numerose varietà di piante, alcune molto particolari come il tronchetto della felicità, l’albero di zenzero l’albero di sangue o l’albero del Buddha (per fare alcuni esempi), rimanere impressionati dalle ninfee e palme giganti! Si possono vedere anche i cervi, provenienti dall’Isola di Giava, e la tartarughe giganti.
These beautiful gardens are located in the north of the island. Admission is free, but if you like to be together, I recommend you entrust to one of the guides (in English) that accompanies small groups explaining the many varieties of plants that are found there: in this way you do not run the risk of not notice interesting species! The botanical gardens are very popular attraction of Mauritius: you can see many varieties of plants, some very specific as the log of happiness, ginger tree the tree of blood or the tree of Buddha (a few examples) , to be impressed by the giant water lilies and palms! You can also see deer, from the Island of Java, and the giant tortoises.
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The Gardens of Pamplemousses are within...

I giardini di Pamplemousses si possono...

I giardini di Pamplemousses si possono facilmente raggiungere dalla capitale dell'isola Port Luois dalla quale distano circa 10 chilometri, sia con un taxi che con i bus di linea che partono dal centro della capitale.. Famosissimi in tutto il mondo, prendono il nome da colui che li volle impiantare. Oggi occupano una superficie di quasi 37 ettari di terreno. Sono rappresentate circa 600 specie di piante indigene ed esotiche. Tutte le specie di palme esistenti al mondo, cactus, baobab e curiose piante come l'albero delle salsicce e la particolare sanguinaria. E' consigliabile effetuare una visita guidata: Una guida è disponibile al cancello principale, naturalmente a pagamento, vi accompagnerà attraverso i sentieri, descrivendovi minuziosamente la provenienza e le particolarietà delle numerosissime e rare specie vegetali. Da menzionare e fotografare il bellissimo stagno con le ninfee giganti ed i particolari "fiori di loto".
The Gardens of Pamplemousses are within easy reach from the capital of Port Louis from which are about 10 km, with either a taxi or the bus lines that depart from the city center .. Famous all over the world, named after the man who wanted them implanted. Now occupy an area of ​​nearly 37 hectares of land. They represent about 600 species of native and exotic plants. All species of palms in the world, cactus, and curious baobab tree plants such as sausages and particularly bloody. And 'advisable THET a guided tour: A guide is available at the main gate price, of course, will take you through the trails, meticulously describing you the provenance and particolarietà of numerous and rare plant species. To mention and photograph the beautiful pond with giant water lilies and details "lotus".
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Exotic grapefruit

Pamplemousses exotiques

Situé à une dizaine de kilomètres au Nord de Port-Louis, la capitale mauricienne, le Jardin de Pamplemousses est sans doute l'un des plus eaux endroits de l'île, et l'un des plus touristiques aussi. Il s'agit en réalité d'un immense jardin botanique, extrêmement riche et superbement aménagé, où l'on peut admirer de nombreuses espèces endémiques ou étrangères de fleurs, d'arbres ou d'arbustes, tous plus impressionnants les uns que les autres. On a notamment été époustouflés par les immenses nénuphars, mais aussi par les 80 espèces de palmiers, parmi lesquels les palmiers Mangrove, tout simplement étonnants.
Located ten kilometers north of Port Louis, the Mauritian capital, the Pamplemousses Garden is probably one of the places waters of the island, and one of the most popular tourist too. This is actually a huge botanical garden, extremely rich and beautifully landscaped, where you can admire numerous endemic or native species of flowers, trees and shrubs, all the more impressive as each other . It was particularly amazed by the huge water lilies, but also by 80 species of palm trees, including palms Mangrove simply amazing.
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Sensory discovery

Découverte sensorielle

Ce vaste Jardin botanique regroupe tous les arbres se trouvant dans les îles de l'Océan Indien. Nous découvrons de nombreuses essences à travers l'arbre aux quatres épices par exemple, nous apprécions les explications d'un guide qui a beaucoup d'humour, chaque espèce sert à quelque-chose. On peut y manger les fruits bien-sûr mais aussi extraire la sève noire de l'Encrier pour la fameuse encre de Chine ou fabriquer la gomme du chewing gum avec les Sapotilliers. Promenade autour de bassins à nénuphars, de lotus blancs de parcs à tortues et cerfs, bref un enchantement!
This vast Botanical Garden includes all trees found in the islands of the Indian Ocean. We discover many species across the tree with four spices such, we appreciate the explanations of a guide with a lot of humor, each species used for something. You can eat the fruit of course but also extract the black sap of the Inkwell to the famous ink or make gum chewing gum with sapodilla. Walk around lily ponds, white lotus parks turtles and deer, a brief spell!
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The garden is I Grapefruit largest...

Le jardin de Pamplemousse est je plus...

Le jardin de Pamplemousse est je plus grand jardin botanique de l'Ocean Indien! Je vous conseille de prendre un guide à l'entrée. Celui ci vous fera decouvrir des choses étonnantes que vous n'auriez pas vu tout seul. Un endroit merveilleux où vous flanerez et dont vous garderez un grand souvenir.
The garden is I Grapefruit largest botanical garden in the Indian Ocean! I suggest you take a guide at the entrance. This one will show you amazing things that you would not have seen alone. A wonderful place where you can stroll and you will keep a great memory.
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It is a wonderful place.

Es un lugar maravilloso.

Lleno de plantas tropicales exóticas y lo que más me gustó es el Baobab, el árbol del Principito y los nenúfares gigantes
It is a wonderful place, full of exotic tropical plants and what I liked the most is the Baobab, the Little Prince tree and the giant water lilies
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At the heart of Mauritius,...

Au cœur de l'île Maurice, le jardin de P...

Au cœur de l'île Maurice, le jardin de Pamplemousse est un magnifique jardin botanique de 25 hectares. Ici plane le souvenir de Bougainville, de Commerson, et plus encore du botaniste français au nom prédestiné de Pierre Poivre, un ancien séminariste nommé intendant de l'île de France par Louis XV en 1767. Depuis 1988, le jardin de Pamplemousses est officiellement baptisé « Jardin Botanique Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam », en hommage au père de l’indépendance et Premier Ministre mauricien.
At the heart of Mauritius, Pamplemousses Garden is a beautiful botanical garden of 25 hectares. Here the flat Remember Bougainville, Commerson, and more of the French botanist Pierre Poivre predestined name, a former seminarian named superintendent of the Isle of France by Louis XV in 1767. Since 1988, the Pamplemousses Garden is officially named "Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Botanical Garden" in honor of the father of independence and Mauritian Prime Minister.
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North of Port Louis

Au nord de Port Louis

Le jardin botanique de l'île Maurice a pris le nom de l'ancien premier ministre qui participa activement à l'indépendance de l'île. Le jardin existe depuis le 18ème siècle. On a vu d'étonnants arbres comme des vacoas qui ressemble à des balais en bas du tronc, des baobabs, et plein d'espèces rares.
The Botanical Garden of Mauritius took the name of the former prime minister who was active in the independence of the island. The garden has existed since the 18th century. We saw amazing trees as vacoas resembling brush down the trunk, baobabs, and many rare species.
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To visit without a doubt

À visiter sans aucun doute

Magnifique halte botanique avec beaucoup d'espèces de plantes.
magnificent botanical halt with many species of plants. To visit without any doubt
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we negotiated a taxi to go

nous avons négocié un taxi pour aller

nous avons négocié un taxi pour aller. Sur place nous avons pris un guide, très utile car le parc est vraiment grand. le retour était en bus environ 60 roupies pour deux personnes, les habitants sont de très bon conseils et nous on apporté leur aide a plusieurs reprises !
we negotiated a taxi to go. On site we took a guide, very useful because the park is really big. The return was by bus about 60 rupees for two people, the locals are very good advice and we helped them a few times!
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Information about Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Botanical Garden