For those who can afford it, a sure-fire hit
In L'Alfàs del Pi, on top of the hill, away from the madding crowd and with the best views of the entire area stands this curious place. Considered a wellness clinic, it is also a hotel, or much more than that.
It has a peculiar history: its owner, an Argentine businessman, says that after many years being ill with an unknown ailment that no one knew how to diagnose, he began treating himself with a macrobiotic diet and the results were so satisfactory that he healed completely. After that revelation, it was clear to him and he founded what has become one of the most prestigious clinics of its kind worldwide. It is a place real luxury in which the important thing is to come out refreshed after a healing based on rest, macrobiotics and peace. The facilities are scandalous, like the views there are at the top of the terrace, where the pool can be found.
Beware, not a place accessible to all budgets. That is what luxury is. But for those who can afford it, that they know it is a sure-fire hit.