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Seafood Fair

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4 reviews of Seafood Fair

A year marks the 46th edition of the...

Un año más se celebra la 46 edición de la...

Un año más se celebra la 46 edición de la Fiesta del Marisco en el recinto de O Corgo (paseo marítimo) el pasado fin de semana y continuará hasta el próximo día 12 de Octubre. La fiesta empezó el Viernes por la tarde iniciando la presentación una popular colaboradora de la TVG, y en la lectura del pregón estuvo un famoso presentador de informativos de Tele5 que seguro todos conoceis, Pedro Piqueras, excelente pregón desarrolló el citado periodista que estuvo acompañado del Alcalde de O Grove y de las fuerzas políticas de la zona. La Fiesta del Marisco no solo es atractiva a los turistas sino que se ha convertido en unos días "señalados" para los vecinos de la localidad y que, como digo, culmina el próximo día 12. En esta fiesta es popular la abundancia de marisco (había marisco de todo tipo) que se vende en las carpas acondicionadas para comer con largas mesas pero con un pequeño inconveniente no había sillas, no obstante había otra gran carpa acondicionada como restaurante con mesas y sillas. Al ir el primer día, es decir el día del pregón, tuvimos suerte y no había esas colas típicas de las grandes concentraciones de gente que vienen de todas partes (lo peor vendría los siguiente días supongo). Así que después de coger los tickets de la comida (todo ello informatizado), no sin antes echar una ojeada en unos folletos y curiosear un poco. El pulpo fue de las raciones más solicitadas, así como las vieiras, arroz de mariscos, navajas, etc. Después de degustar varias raciones de marisco como almejas a la marinera, mejillones, nécoras y un buen vino albariño a unos precios muy competitivos, a eso de las 11:45 horas se leyó el pregón por Pedro Piqueras, y más tarde una serie de actuaciones musicales, entre ellos "la década prodigiosa" que me encantó porque hicieron un poupurri de las mejores canciones de la época de los 80. También actuó un grupo vigués llamado seis por uno y Chenlo que ganó un anterior concurso en la gallega de Son de Estrelas.
A year marks the 46th edition of the Seafood Festival on the grounds of OR corgo (promenade) last weekend and will continue until October 12. The festival began on Friday afternoon starting the slide a popular contributor to the TVG, and the reading of the proclamation was a famous news presenter of Tele 5 for sure you all know, Pedro Piqueras, developed excellent proclamation said journalist who was accompanied by Mayor of O Grove and political forces in the area. The Seafood Festival is not only attractive to tourists but a few days has become "marked" for local residents and, as I say, ends the next day 12. This popular festival is the abundance of seafood (had seafood of all kinds) that is sold in the dining tents equipped with long tables but with a minor inconvenience no chairs, however there was another large tent equipped as a restaurant with tables and chairs . By going on the first day, ie the day of the opening, we were lucky and had those queues typical of large concentrations of people who come from all over (the worst would come the next day I guess). So after taking the meal tickets (all computerized), but first take a look at some brochures and browse a little. The octopus was most requested rations and scallops, seafood rice, knives, etc. After tasting several servings of seafood and marine clams, mussels, crabs and Albariño wine at very competitive prices, at about 11:45 hours the proclamation was read by Pedro Piqueras, and later a series of actions musicals, including "prodigious decade" which I loved because they made a POTPOURRI of the best songs of the 80's època. Vigo also performed a group called six to one and Chenlo who won a contest before the Son of Estrelas Galician.
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Estive este ano, 20013, na 50ª edição da festa do marisco, não propriamente para a festa mas sim para conhecer a cidade e arredores. Muito resumidamente, a cidade é agradável, bonita, limpa e os habitantes são acolhedores. De ressaltar e repetir tantas vezes quantas eu for lá, é o passeio de catamarã que nos leva para conhecer os viveiros de marisco, com vista subaquática. Cada viagem, de cerca de 1 hora e 15min, custa por pessoa adulta 13€. Durante o passeio é explicado todo o processo de criação do marisco e mostrado os viveiros. O pessoal de bordo é extramente atencioso.no regresso somos servidos( e muito bem servidos) de porções de mexilhões a vapor, vinho e sumo, tudo à descrição e oferecida a repetição, mesmo antes de acabar o que se tem sobre a mesa.Tudo isto, com música animada e pessoal sempre alegre.No festival do marisco, eu noptei por não fazer lá a refeição, pois achei que os preços não compensam muito e não terem cadeiras,também não me atraiu.Basicamente funciona da seguinte forma:Voçê tem na caixa a lista dos preços das porções de cada especialidade, ali mesmo vc decide o que quer comer e beber e paga.Depois disto, com os talões do que escolheu (talões separados para cada variedade, exp 10 variedades compradas, 10 talões. Então voçê se dirige com o talão no stand da respectiva variedade e leva a dose comprada, isto stand por stand até juntar tudo o que vc pediu. Aí é só procurarum espaço livre nas mesas, de pé claro, e comer...As doses são quase todas do mesmo tamanho daqueles pratinhos de bolo de plastico que usamos nas festas..E o preço máximo da tabela deste ano era de 11€ (uma espetada de lagostin com vieiras) eu por exemplo, experimentei uma dose de lagostin na plancha (que é um camarão, apenas um pouquinho maior) por 6,60€ e trazia 6 unidades...Vinho 8€, Cerveja/sumo 1,30€. Nos restaurantes os preços das mariscadas até convencem, entre 35 e 50 para duas pessoas, a quantidade é que deixa um pouco a desejar. No meu caso pedi uma no restaurante a Solaina e paguei 43 €, só pela mariscada, onde se podiam contar: 2 Vieiras, 6 Lagostins, 8 Navalhas, 12 Camaroes fritos dos pequenos, e 3 Cigalas.. Enfim, aconselho vivamente a visita à cidade pois realmente encanta e conhecer a ilha de La Toja, muito pitoresca, mas ir unicamente à O Grove pelo festival do marisco, não será uma boa opção.
I've been this year, 20013, at the 50th edition of the seafood feast, not exactly for the party but for the city and surroundings. Very briefly, the city is pleasant, beautiful, clean and the people are welcoming. To emphasize and repeat as many times I go there, is the catamaran ride that takes us to meet the seafood tanks with subaquática.Cada view trip, about 1 hour and 15 minutes, costs € 13 per adult person. During the tour explained the whole process of creation of seafood and shown the personal viveiros.O board is extramente atencioso.no return are served (and very well served) of portions of Steam mussels, wine and juice, all the description and offered to repeat, even before you finish what you have on this mesa.Tudo with lively music and people always alegre.No seafood festival, I noptei for not doing the meal there because I thought the prices are not worth much and not have chairs, I also do not atraiu.Basicamente works as follows: you have in the list box portion of the price of each specialty, even there u decide what you want to eat and drink and paga.Depois this, with lugs that chose (separate lugs for each variety, exp 10 varieties bought 10 coupons. then you drive with the bead on the stand of its variety and leads to acquired dose this stand by stand up together All that you asked. procurarum There is only free space on tables, standing clear, and eat ... Doses are almost all the same size of those little plates of plastic cake that we use at parties .. And the maximum price of the table this year was 11 € (one kebab Crawfish with scallops) I for example, experienced a dose of Crawfish on the plancha (which is a shrimp, just a bit bigger) for € 6.60 and brought 6 € 8 units ... Wine, beer / juice € 1.30. In restaurants the prices of chowders to convince between 35 and 50 for two people, is the amount that leaves a little to be desired in my case ordered a restaurant in the Solaina and paid € 43, just for mariscada, where he could count.: 2 Scallops, Crawfish 6, 8 Knives, 12 small fried Cameroon, and 3 Cigalas .. Anyway, I strongly advise you to visit the city because it really enchants and know the island of La Toja, very picturesque, but only go to the festival at The Grove Seafood will not be a good option.
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National Tourist Interest

Fiesta de Interés Turístico Nacional

La feria del marisco de O Grove es una cita segura en mi calendario; se celebra durante la segunda semana de Octubre, coincidiendo con el puente del Pilar, y está declarada [b]Fiesta de Interés Turístico Nacional[/b]. La afluencia de gente es masiva, hay verdaderas flotas de autobuses y coches, que desde primeras horas de la mañana (especialmente durante el puente) forman atascos de horas de duración a la entrada del pueblo (os recomiendo no llegar más tarde de las 11 de la mañana, porque si no, es imposible entrar y mucho menos aparcar). Igualmente, la ocupación hotelera es completa, ya con varios meses de anticipación, y los precios desorbitados para la categoría que tienen los hoteles/hostales. Los últimos años suelo reservar hotel en Vigo, y me acerco sólo un día a O Grove para estar en la feria. La feria como tal es bastante caótica pero merece la pena. Consiste en una gran carpa que se instala junto al Ayuntamiento, en la que se pueden degustar mariscos de la ría a precios populares (ya no es todo lo barato que era). Pero para hacerte con una ración de lo que sea, hay que seguir cierto proceso (recomiendo muuuucha paciencia): Primeramente se cogen unos folletitos que indican la variedad de platos que hay y sus precios, luego te pones en la eterna cola de los tickets (sólo hay una taquilla), y los pides todos, incluyendo si quieres bebidas, y abonado por adelantado la cuenta. A partir de aquí comienza la batalla: En todo el perímetro de la carpa se encuentran los distintos stands, divididos por productos (mejillones, navajas a la plancha, zamburiñas, empanadas, paella, cigalas, nécoras, bebidas, etc), y has de hacer tantas colas como productos quieras. Una vez tienes los platos, has de hacerte un hueco en una de las múltiples mesas alargadas que hay en el centro del recinto, para comer (de pie). Es una verdadera odisea. En el interior de la carpa también hay un escenario donde se celebran actuaciones, conciertos, una queimada popular... Hay muchísimo ambiente, está a tope de gente, y no faltan las bandas de gaitas, bailes regionales, gigantes y cabezudos, y todo tipo de pasacalles y animación popular. También hay una guardería infantil, y otra carpa expositiva sobre los mariscos de la ría. Con motivo de la feria también hay otros actos, como el ya tradicional concurso de escultura al aire libre; es impresionante ver cómo de la manera más arcaica y a golpe de pico, los artistas esculpen figuras de inmensos bloques de piedra. A pesar de las grandes aglomeraciones, merece la pena porque tiene su encanto y hay muchísimo ambientillo. Aunque lo que yo suelo hacer es darme una vuelta por la feria, picar un par de raciones, y luego irme a comer en uno de los restaurantes del pueblo (muy recomendable el Don Mexilón), que también están a tope, pero al menos estás sentado y a gusto, y total, de precio sale parecido... Después de comer es típico ir dando un paseo hasta la Isla de la Toja, visitar la [poi=54799]Ermita[/poi] de fachada llena de conchas y el [poi=54803]mercadillo de artesanías[/poi].
Fair Grove seafood is a safe appointment on my calendar; It is held during the second week of October, coinciding with the bridge of the Pilar, and is declared of National Tourist Interest. The influx of people is massive, there are real fleets of buses and cars, which in the early hours of the morning (especially during the bridge) form jams hours at the entrance of town (I recommend not arrive after 11 the morning, because otherwise it is impossible to enter let alone park). Similarly, hotel occupancy is complete, and several months in advance, and the exorbitant prices for the category you have the hotels / hostels. Floor recent years reserve hotel in Vigo, and I come just a day to O Grove to be at the fair. The fair as such is quite chaotic but worth it. It consists of a large tent that is installed next to City Hall, where you can taste seafood from the estuary at reasonable prices (not all cheap and it was). But to make a portion of it is, you have to follow a certain process (I recommend muuuucha patience): First few pamphlets indicating the variety of dishes there and their prices are caught, then you put yourself in the eternal queue for tickets ( there is only one box office), and ask everyone, including if you want drinks, and paid in advance the bill. From here begins the battle: Around the perimeter of the tent are the different stands, divided by products (mussels, grilled razor clams, scallops, empanadas, paella, prawns, crabs, drinks, etc), and thou shalt make as many queues as you like products. Once you have the dishes, you have to make a hole in one of the many long tables that are in the center of the room, to eat (standing). It"s a real odyssey. Inside the tent there is also a stage where performances, concerts, a popular queimada held ... There is so much room, is full of people, and no shortage of bands of bagpipes, regional dances, giants, and all parades and popular type of animation. There is also a nursery, and other seafood exhibition tent on the estuary. On the occasion of the fair there are also other events such as the now traditional contest of outdoor sculpture; It is impressive to see how the most archaic way and pickax, artists carved figures of huge stone blocks. Despite the large crowds, worth because it has its charm and there is a lot ambientillo. Although I usually do is take a turn for the fair, chop a couple of servings, and then go eat at one of the village restaurants (highly recommended Don Mexilón), which are also butt, but at least you sitting and at ease, and total price out like ... After eating is typical go for a walk to the Isla de la Toja, visit the Chapel facade full of shells and handicrafts market.
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Good atmosphere, good price and good products, a great atmosphere

Buen ambiente , buen precio y buenos productos , un ambiente estupendo

Buen ambiente , buen precio y buenos productos , un ambiente estupendo
Good atmosphere, good price and good products, a great atmosphere
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