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New Cathedral of Coimbra

8 reviews of New Cathedral of Coimbra

While visiting the University of...

While visiting the University of Coimbra, I found the Se Nova Cathedral. The Jesuits, who had settled in the city in 1541, originally owned this church as part of their college. The church's construction began in 1598, but it did not open until 1698 because the temple took so long to build. The Sé Nova, primarily known for its baroque facade and the four statues of Jesuit saints, is currently in perfect condition and located near the University of Coimbra. Inside there is a vaulted nave as well as four domed chapels. The altar, decorated with huge, gold, carved altarpieces, was constructed in the late XVII and early XVIII century.

The side chapels also contain mainly Baroque altarpieces. This cathedral is not to be confused with the Sé Velha. I went on a Sunday and there were many Spanish tourists in the area. The best day to visit both the Cathedral and the University of Coimbra is on a Sunday because there is little traffic and no university classes.
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The temple belonged to the college of...

El templo perteneció al colegio de la ...

El templo perteneció al colegio de la Compañía de Jesús hasta que estos fueron expulsados de Portugal en 1759. Las obras se habían iniciado en 1598 por el arquitecto Baltazar Álvares, pero la iglesia no sería consagrada hasta 1640 e inaugurada en 1698. La fachada de la iglesia está marcada por fuertes líneas y tiene cuatro estatuas de santos jesuitas. En la parte superior de la fachada, finalizada en el siglo XVIII, la decoración es barroca, que contrasta con las partes más bajas, de estilo manierista. El interior es de una nave abovedada con capillas laterales y crucero con bóveda y cúpula. El transepto y el presbiterio están decorados con retablos de talla dorada, construidos entre el siglo XVII y XVIII. Las capillas laterales contienen retablos manieristas y barrocos. La sillería del coro, del siglo XVII, fue traída de la Catedral Vieja así como la magnífica pila bautismal de una de la capillas laterales, esculpida en estilo gótico manuelino por Pedro y Felipe Henriques en el siglo XVI. Sorprende mucho la sala con reliquias de santos. El estado de conservación de la Catedral es magnífico. Abre de martes a sábado de 9 a 12 y de 14 a 18. Cierra domingos, lunes y festivos.
The temple belonged to the college of the Jesuits until they were expelled from Portugal in 1759. The works were initiated in 1598 by the architect Baltazar Álvares, but the church would not be consecrated until 1640 and opened in 1698. The facade of the church is marked by strong lines and has four statues of Jesuit saints. At the top of the facade, completed in the eighteenth century, the decoration is Baroque, which contrasts with the lower parts, Mannerist style. The interior has a vaulted nave with side chapels and transept with dome and cupola. The transept and chancel are decorated with carved and gilded altarpieces built between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The side chapels contain Mannerist and Baroque altarpieces. The choir stalls, of the seventeenth century, was brought from the Old Cathedral and the magnificent baptismal font of one of the side chapels, carved Gothic Manueline by Peter and Philip Henriques in the sixteenth century. Very surprised the room with relics of saints. The conservation status of the Cathedral is magnificent. Open Tuesday to Saturday from 9-12 and 14-18. Closed Sundays, Mondays and holidays.
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If you go to college, dress her

Si vas hacia la universidad, visítala

No es la catedral más bonita que haya visto, pero de paso que subes a ver la universidad (de la que merece la pena la biblioteca Joaninha), te queda de camino. Quizás lo más destacable sea su altar mayor. También cuenta con un pequeño museo con reliquias de santos. Saludos.
It is not the most beautiful cathedral I've ever seen, but step climb to see the university (which is worth the Joaninha library), you is on the way. Perhaps the most notable is the high altar. It also has a small museum with relics of saints. Regards.
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€ 1 as a donation for works (the explanation is welcome)

1€ como donativo para obras (es de agradecer la explicación)

Nos encontramos en situación similar a la catedral vieja de la misma ciudad salvo por la agradable excepción del personal que te saluda con un Bom día! susurrado por su ubicación dentro de la seo.
We are in a similar situation to the old cathedral of the same city except for the pleasant exception of the staff that greets you with a Bom day! whispered by its location within the seo.
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Beautiful church, colonial style. Fantastic architecture that makes the time come back.

Lindíssima igreja, estilo colonial. Arquitetura fantástica que faz o tempo voltar.

Lindíssima igreja, estilo colonial. Arquitetura fantástica que faz o tempo voltar.
Beautiful church, colonial style. Fantastic architecture that makes the time come back
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Near university core

Cerca de núcleo universitario

Muy bonita por dentro y austera por fuera
Close to university core very nice inside and austere outside
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Everything is in the upper area of ​​the city

Todo se encuentra en la zona alta de la ciudad

Todo se encuentra en la zona alta de la ciudad
Everything is in the upper area of ​​the city
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Information about New Cathedral of Coimbra