María Alba
Savotta Restaurant
At the Senate Square in front of the Helsinki Cathedral is hidden one of the best restaurants in the whole of Finland. The Savotta is a quality restaurant where you can enjoy traditional Finnish dishes. Another highlight is the decoration of the restaurant. Based on Finnish tradition and with the waiters dressed in traditional clothing, you are taken back to times past. No doubt the restaurant offers an unforgettable experience. It was a shame not take pictures inside, but on their website lots of pictures of dishes, the place itself, the waiters and even a virtual tour of the Savotta and other quality restaurants in Helsinki can be viewed.
I can strongly recommend that you come over to the Savotta if you want to learn more about Finnish culture and food. Booking is essential. It is true that it is quite expensive but if you go a fine restaurant in Finland it will be expensive. I ordered a dish consisting of reindeer sausage and grilled moose, something I have never tasted and ice cream dessert Savotta Sivu with Birch syrup. Come and immerse yourself deeply into Finnish cuisine. It was all very good. The treatment we received from the staff was excellent.
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