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Sassi Di Matera

8:00 - 19:30
Opening Hours
8:00 - 19:30
8:00 - 19:30
8:00 - 19:30
8:00 - 19:30
8:00 - 13:00
8:00 - 19:30
8:00 - 19:30
Phone number

34 reviews of Sassi Di Matera

Open air museum

Matera advertises itself as an open air museum, it is this and more. The area has been continuously inhabited for an estimated 9,000 years. Yet uniquely over this time period rather than adapt the environment to suit their needs the inhabitants seem to have adapted to the surrounding environment. Resulting in a community built around numerous caves on the sides of a steep ravine.

Once infamous for the poverty described by Carlo Levi, since gaining UNESCO status in 1993 the abandoned cave houses have been redeveloped into B&bs, hotels, restaurants, art galleries and even spas. You can spend many happy hours wandering the narrow alleyways and staircases that make up the Sassi but you will frequently end up looking down into the gorge at the edge of town. Take a walk down into the bottom of the ravine and enjoy the tranquil sound of the river whilst gazing up at the town clinging to the rock above. Then climb up to the rock church of Maria de Idris above Piazza Caveoso and look at the 700 year old frescoes of saints whilst imagining the importance of this temple in the 5,000 years prior to Christianity.

Finally pause in one of the squares, perhaps with a glass of local red wine, and watch the lesser kestrels circling on air currents in the sky above.
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Especially captivating

I lived in Puglia (Italy's "heel") for one year and I took time to travel a bit and see some of the small towns. One of them, Matera, was especially captivating. It has something indescribably. Perhaps that's why Mel Gibson chose as the backdrop for "Passion of the Christ."

UNESCO, the UN organization which takes care of education and culture, named it a World Heritage Site. It's one of the most singular, ancient, and extraordinary villages on Earth, a place which has captured the attention of artists from around the world (the famous Italian author Carlo Levi cited it in this book "Christ stopped at Eboli").

In the "sassi," the homes are carved directly into the rock and the walls are built of the material left over. Although they're currently empty, they were inhabited until recently. Now, they're under renovation and are mainly an attraction for visitors. A visit to the "sassi de Matera" is a truly unique experience.
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Beautiful stone town with great food and stunning scenery


Wow, a unique experience


Wow, a unique experience. Sassi de Matera, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a village where the cave-homes are bored directly into the rock. Once, the inhabitants of the "sassi" were obliged by leave, but now they've retaken their former homes and have opened them up for visitors.



Matera è conosciuta come la "città dei sassi": gli antichi rioni scavati nella roccia, dichiarati Patrimonio dell'Umanità dall' Unesco. La roccia e l'acqua vivono in simbiosi...e le case si sovrappongono una sull'altra, sormontate da caratteristici comignoli. Percorrere i vicoli dei Sassi (Barisano e Caveoso) è stata un'emozione indimenticabile... un ritorno indietro nel tempo, nel vissuto dell'antica civiltà contadina. Una bellezza struggente...
Matera is known as the "city of stones": the ancient districts carved into the rock, declared World Heritage by 'Unesco. The rock and the water they live in symbiosis ... and the houses are superimposed on each other, surmounted by characteristic chimneys. Drive through the streets of the Sassi (Barisan and Caveoso) was an unforgettable experience ... a return back in time, in the experience of traditional rural life. A breathtaking beauty ...
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Stone Town and Mysteries

Ciudad de Piedra y Misterios

Tuve la suerte de ir a Matera, como parte de un Congreso, sin saber que me iba a encontrar. Mi sorpresa fue por demás agradable.....desde los Sassis (antiguas casas contruidas en las rocas,algunas se remontan a miles de años) hasta las contrucciones medievales de su centro, que por alguna razón me trajeron reminicencias a ciertas zonas de Praga. Muchos de los antiguos Sassis, son hoy converidos en Hoteles, los cuales son realmente una experiencia única. Y como todos los lugares de Italia, se pueden comer y tomar las mas grandes delicias por muy poco.
I was fortunate to go to Matera, as part of a Congress, not knowing what I'd find. My pleasant surprise was for others ..... from Sassis (old houses are constructed on the rocks, some dating back thousands of years) to the medieval constructions of its center, which for some reason I brought reminiscences to certain areas of Prague . Many older Sassis are today converidos in hotels, which are really a unique experience. And like all places in Italy, you can eat and take the greatest delight for very little.
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The city man

La città dell'uomo

Un insediamento umano per 9.000 anni in simbiosi con la natura e i suoi elementi. Qui la luce e l'acqua hanno guidato l'uomo nella costruzione di case e luoghi di culto. La terra e il cielo compongono paesaggi mozzafiato in quello che oggi è il Parco delle Chiese Rupestri. Nel corso dell'anno vengono organizzati eventi culturali in varie discipline artistiche, dal jazz alla musica classica, alla letteratura, alla scultura. Da non perdere i musei, che raccolgono reperti dal paleolitico all'età moderna. Una menzione particolare al Musma, museo di scultura contemporanea interamente scavato nella roccia.
A human settlement for 9,000 years in symbiosis with nature and its elements. Here the light and water have led the man in the construction of homes and places of worship. The earth and the sky in breathtaking scenery make up what is now the Park of the Rock Churches. During the year, cultural events are organized in various artistic disciplines, from jazz to classical music, literature, sculpture. Do not miss the museums that collect artifacts from the Paleolithic to the modern age. A special mention to Musma, museum of contemporary sculpture entirely excavated in the rock.
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What about .... A very charming and...

Che dire.... Un posto molto suggestivo...

Che dire.... Un posto molto suggestivo e pieno di storia... A mio parere è da visitare perché merita veramente e chi non ci è stato non può capire la bellezza ed il mistero che emanava in quel momento... Avremmo dovuto vedere questo posto di sera... Perché gli abitanti del luogo hanno detto che si illumina tutto ed il panorama è veramente bello... Un consiglio per tutti... ANDATECI! Ne vale veramente la pena ;-)
What about .... A very charming and full of history ... In my opinion is to visit because it really deserves and who has been there can not understand the beauty and mystery that emanated at that moment ... We would have to see this place in the evening ... Because the locals have said that lights up everything and the view is really nice ... A word of advice for all ... GO! It's really worth ;-)
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The Sassi of Matera.

I Sassi di Matera.

La cosa che mi è rimasto impresso nella mia mente è stata la magia di quel posto, molto evaniscente, ricca di colori, di contrasti, ricca di contorni che delineano un'imponente storia piena di vissuto. Quando mi trovai sul posto sembrava quasi che stessi in un altro mondo.
The thing that has stuck in my mind was the magic of that place, very evaniscente, rich colors, contrasts, rich contours that outline an impressive story full of experience. When I was on the spot that looked almost the same in another world.
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Matera how wonderful!

Matera che meraviglia!

Matera non è una città come tutte le altre.. Matera è un salotto a cielo aperto, uno di quei posti che conservano una genuinità senza tempo.
Matera is not a city like any other .. Matera is an open air living room, one of those places that retain a timeless authenticity.
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Sunset on Sassi

Tramonto sui Sassi

Ad agosto dello scorso anno, rientrando a Roma, da una vacanza nel Salento, con la famiglia abbiamo voluto visitare Matera. L'esperienza è stata fantastica, il posto sembra un presepe. A fine giornata ho atteso il tramonto per catturare la foto che voglio condividere con voi.
In August last year, returning to Rome from a holiday in Salento, with family we wanted to visit Matera. The experience was fantastic, the place looks like a crib. In the evening, I waited for the sunset to capture the photo you want to share with you.
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Mi lugar en el mundo

Nada se vuelve tan mágicamente perfecto más que cuando uno transita la tierra de los "sassi" y viaja a través del tiempo en busca de un pasado tan increíble y contundente. Un imperdible en la regiòn de la Basilicata en mi amada Italia.
Nothing becomes so magically perfect ms when one passes the land of the "sassi" and travels through time in search of such an incredible and powerful past. A must in the region of Basilicata in my beloved Italy.
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Wek and spectacular in our Italian cordiality '

Wek and spettacolare nella nostra italia cordialita'

Wek and spettacolare nella nostra italia cordialita'..storia immagini passeggiate mozzafiato ..e ottimo cibo da non perdere visita alle grotte un tempo abitate.
Wek and spectacular in our Italian friendliness' .. history images stunning walks ..and great food do not miss visiting the caves once inhabited.
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Sassi of Matera

Sassi di Matera

Sassi di Matera
Sassi of Matera
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The castle.

Il castello.

Il castello.
The castle.
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